Large single columns growing with leaves directly connected to stem.
Bracken Fern
Widest at base, 2-3x pinnate leaves.
Lady Fern
Widest at middle, 2-3x pinnate
Western Maidenhair Fern
Beautiful black stems, fan-like pinnate leaves.
Sword Fern
Very similar to deer fern but leaves are connected to the stem via a very small stem - much more common in Henry cowbell in comparison to deer fern as well.
Licorice Fern
Very similar to other polypody ferns but grows from a single stem. May grow in patches, but all individuals. Leaves connected to stem like deer fern but deer fern looks more similar to the sword.
Cretan Brake ?
Giant Chain Fern
Similar to lady fern but only 2x pinnate and larger individual leaflets spaced farther apart.
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