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For new & returning volunteers, we want to ensure you’re equipped with the right tools to be successful here at Schoolhouse. So here are some things that you can expect to do in the first 30 days of your volunteer journey:

1. Review the Volunteer Handbook

The Volunteer Handbook serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding our organization's values, policies, and procedures. It's imperative to thoroughly review the handbook (particularly the ) and listed below (this should take you 1-2 hours):
Work-Life Balance: We don’t want you to burn out. This skill builder emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between work commitments and personal well-being.
Data Protection: Protecting sensitive information is a top priority. This skill builder provides guidelines on handling and safeguarding data in compliance with regulations.
Managing Up, Down, & Sideways: As part of a volunteer team, irregardless of your position, you'll likely have to manage someone at some point. This skill builder will introduce you to different management concepts to help prepare you for being on a team.
Dealing with Conflict: Disagreements & disputes are normal. This skill builder provides you with tools to navigate dealing with disagreements in a healthy & appropriate manner.

2. Complete Role-Specific Onboarding Tasks:

Depending on your team or role within the organization, there may be additional trainings or deliverables tailored to your responsibilities. Ensure that you review and fulfill any specific requirements outlined in your unique onboarding process. This will be led by your co-lead and/or product team supervisor.

3. Optional Volunteer Kickoff Session:

While optional, attending a volunteer onboarding session (if available) can provide valuable insights and foster connections within the community. These sessions are typically facilitated by product team supervisors and/or team leads.

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