The control is mostly self-contained, the only thing that you need to change to adapt it to another coda is linking it to your Data table.
Selected Date
In whatever filter you need the current User’s selected date, you can find it with the next formula
Start by pressing @ an then write Current User, select the .Flow.Selected Date
[Current User].Flow.[Selected Date]
Data Dot
To link it to your own data table you have to change the next formula in the buttons table
and Not(thisRow.[Disable if])
Instead of Data you will change it to the name of your table and then link it to the date column of it.
[Your Table].[Your Date Column].Contains(thisRow.Date)
and Not(thisRow.[Disable if])
Change the column formula
Data Filter
To filter your table to the selected date, you do it with the next formula
thisRow.[Your Date Column].Contains([Current User].[Selected Date])
Language change
You can adapt it to your language by changing all these texts: