New integration request is created in Jira.
CSM is listed as Ticket Assignee and is expected to add comments to communicate any relevant updates/changes from customer.
Ticket is moves into Discovery
This informs the CSM that the integration request has been prioritized. CSM should reach out to customer to schedule Discovery call with customer, CSM, and P&E.
Ticket moves into Stalled - CSM Follow-up
If P&E does not hear back from customer after 2 weeks, they will pause work on this ticket and move to the Stalled status. CSM is responsible for monitoring and updating moving forward, based on conversations with customer. Once a customer is ready to re-engage with P&E, CSM should tag P&E in a comment and P&E will update the ticket status based on where they resume work.
Ticket moves into Done - Integration Live
P&E updates to this status when a customer’s integration development is complete and the integration has been tested and implemented with the customer. CSM’s are assigned the completed ticket for visibility, and so they can tag P&E via comments if anything relevant comes up down the line that requires P&E to revisit the ticket.
Ticket moves into Won’t Do/Duplicate
Tickets will move into this status