
Portfolio Documentation Index

Week 1 : Discovery and Scope of Work

Project Outline

Week 2: Data Design and Setup

Training Documentation
Contacts and Accounts
How to create a household account
How relationships work
What to expect when adding a teacher (or anything that fits your specific nonprofit, is that a coach, mentor?
Release Notes
NPSP Settings
Automatic Relationship Explanation
Data Dictionary

Week 3 : Marketing, AccountingTraining Documentation

How to create a campaign including how to enter the key information that will help them to track the campaigns' ROI.
How to create an email template.
How to send an email in mass to members of a campaign and insert an email template.
How to add a General Accounting Unit
How to split an allocation between two General Accounting Units on one Opportunity

Week 4: Fundraising

Training Documentation ​ Fundraising
How to create a grant opportunity
How to create an engagement plan template and use engagement plans

Week 5: Formulas and Customization

Release Notes
New rollup and formula fields
Gift Entry Template

Week 6: Reports and Automation

On-boarding Explanation Documents
How email automation works and where to find reports

Week 7: Add-on Configurations

On-boarding Explanation Documents
Data structure of V4S and/or PMM
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