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Goal Setting
Goal Setting | Launch OS

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Your Finances

Let's game plan how much money you need to live your dream life.
💡 Quick note: people think they need millions of dollars to live their dream life. While we want to help you start your road to $1M, the truth is that you can often live your dream life for a lot less than you think! At the end of the day, money is a tool — it’s not a metric that we base our satisfaction on. Use this exercise to see how much your dream life really costs!

1. Identify the pieces of your dream puzzle

Before we figure out how much money you need to make for your dream life, let’s put together the pieces of the puzzle. For each of your goals, write down the tools, habits, and pieces it would take to accomplish the goal. For now, forget about the money. We’ll handle that next.
Puzzle Pieces
Have 1-2 kids
12% body fat
Work out 4x per week
More than $10k per month in free cashflow
W2 Job

2. Expenses for your dream life

Let’s figure out exactly how much your dream life costs you. We’ll break this down into monthly charges, and one time fees. Then, we’ll bring it all together, and give you an annual expense that covers your dream life. We can then reverse engineer a business that will deliver the kind of life you want.
Use the goals you’ve laid out (and the plans to achieve those goals) to help you calculate your expenses.

Monthly Expenses

For your monthly expenses, consider every possible thing you could imagine spending money on. Then, estimate how much per month you would spend on that thing. We’ll handle one time fees in the next table.
Amount Per Month
Mortgage Payment
Gym Membership
Recreation (movies, dates, etc)
Car Payment
There are no rows in this table
Monthly Expenses

One Time Expenses

Now that we’ve laid out your monthly expenses, let’s account for one-off payments. These are expenses that will come up throughout the year, but no necessarily every month.,
Amount (one-time)
Family Vacation
Christmas Gifts
Mountain Bike Maintenance
There are no rows in this table
One Time Expenses

Annual expenses for you dream life:

This means that we need to reverse-engineer a business that can at minimum make this amount of money annually — since we don’t just want to breakeven!
This is what Launch OS is all about:
Determine your dream life Build a business that provides for your dream life

Lastly, we want to give you a tracking tool to measure your progress throughout Launch OS.

Let’s organize and prepare your Launch OS tracking tool:

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