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Ai Prompts for PMs
Ai Prompts for Product Managers

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Executive Summaries

Quickly boil down long documents
I think it is always good to keep the eloquent writer Stephen Pressfield’s quote in mind, “no one wants to read your sh*t.” Especially busy executives. So when you have your long beautiful memo finally perfect: Boil the entire doc down into a paragraph. And make your first sentence the answer or conclusion or reco. End with your ask or next step.

Use this prompt

Please summarize the text below using the following framework. Include seed phrases.

1. Start with the answer or conclusion or reco first. (1 sentence)
2. Group and summarize 3 supporting arguments. use numbers if available.(1 sentence each)
3. The ask, or next steps (1 sentence)

Seed phrases: {important phrase, important phrase}
Copy Prompt to Clipboard

Example: Bird’s Aren’t Real

The Memo

Click to unfurl my long memo that we will condense about why we should replace all birds with cameras.
I am writing to propose a project that I believe has the potential to revolutionize how we view, capture, and monitor our environment. My goal is to create a network of cameras that are operated by the government and owned by birds. The goal of this project is to provide an alternative and more efficient approach to monitoring our environment. By using birds, we can take advantage of their natural abilities and environmental knowledge to provide us with a more comprehensive view of our world. With this, we will be able to better monitor our environment and have a better understanding of the changes that are occurring in our ecosystems. To further ensure the success of this project, I will also need to invest in outreach and education. Through outreach, I will be able to spread the word about the project and educate people on the importance of protecting our environment. Additionally, I will need to organize workshops and seminars to ensure that all stakeholders are properly informed and understand the potential impact of this project. To ensure the success of this project, we will need to invest in marketing and communication strategies. This will involve creating a strong network of support and a positive public image for the project. To do this, we will need to create engaging content and use various digital channels and campaigns to spread the word. This could include creating social media pages and accounts, as well as advertising and promotional campaigns. Additionally, we will also need to organize workshops and seminars to ensure that all stakeholders are properly informed and understand the potential impact of this project. As part of this project, we will be using flamingos and pigeons as our primary birds for the cameras. These species are particularly well-suited for this project as they are adept at navigating their environment and are relatively tolerant of human presence. Additionally, they are capable of flying long distances and have a good understanding of their environment. Once we have established a successful network of cameras with these species, we will then expand our project to include a wider range of birds. This will include cool and tropical birds, such as parrots, toucans, and macaws. By using a wider range of birds, we can further enhance our coverage and gain a more comprehensive view of our environment. Additionally, these birds will be able to provide us with more interesting and unique images of our world. In addition to this, we have also chosen species that are capable of flying long distances and have a good understanding of their environment. This will help ensure that the cameras can be placed in the most advantageous locations and will provide us with a comprehensive view of our environment. Overall, I believe that this project has the potential to revolutionize how we view and monitor our environment. With the right amount of funding, I am confident that this project will be successful and will provide us with a better understanding of our world. While this project certainly has potential, there are also risks associated with it. Firstly, it is important to note that there is no guarantee of success. Despite the best efforts of the team, there is always the risk that the project may not be successful. Additionally, it is important to consider the potential cost of failure, in terms of both time and money. One of the potential risks of this project is angering animal rights organizations, such as PETA. This project could be seen as exploiting birds for their natural abilities, which could be seen as unethical. To ensure that this project is successful, it is important to take a proactive approach and ensure that our intentions are clear. Firstly, we must ensure that the birds used for this project are treated humanely and that their safety is of the utmost importance. We should ensure that the birds are not harmed or put in danger in any way. Additionally, we should be transparent about the project and provide clear information about our intentions and the benefits that this project will bring. To further ensure that this project is seen in a positive light, we should also consider involving PETA in the project. We can reach out to the organization and work with them to create a set of guidelines and protocols that will ensure the safety and welfare of the birds. Additionally, we can work with them to create a public awareness campaign to help spread the word about the project and its positive impact on our environment. By taking these measures and working with PETA, we can help ensure that this project is seen in a positive light and reduce the risk of angering animal rights organizations. Despite these risks, I believe that the potential rewards of this project far outweigh any potential risks. Not only will this project provide us with a more comprehensive view of our environment, but it will also help us to better understand the changes that are occurring in our ecosystems. Additionally, this project will help us to make better decisions and more accurately assess potential risks. To make this project a reality, I will need 10,000,000 in funding, and one year in time. First, I need to purchase the necessary equipment and supplies, such as cameras, bird feed, and tracking devices. Additionally, I will need to hire a team of experts to manage and maintain the bird cameras. I will also need to create a secure data storage system and invest in research and development to ensure that the project is successful. I understand that this is a large sum of money, but I believe that the potential benefits of this project far outweigh the costs. By utilizing this innovative approach to monitoring our environment, we will be able to gain a better understanding of the changes that are occurring in our ecosystems and be able to take action to protect them. This project will also provide us with a more comprehensive view of our world, allowing us to make better decisions and more accurately assess potential risks. I believe that this project has the potential to be a game-changer and I am confident that it will be successful with the right amount of funding. Please consider this proposal and the potential benefits that it can bring. I am confident that this project will revolutionize how we view and monitor our environment and I would be grateful for your support. I thank you for your consideration and look forward to hearing your thoughts on this project. Sincerely, Your Friend and Colleague

Prompt used

Please summarize the text above using the following framework. Include See Phrases

1. Start with the answer or conclusion or reco first. (1 sentence)
2. Group and summarize 3 supporting arguments. use numbers if available.(1 sentence each)
3. I need you to (x) The ask, or next steps (1 sentence)

Seed Phrases: Replace birds with cameras, Humanely, PETA

Output from Chat GPT

I am proposing a project to use birds as cameras to monitor cities to revolutionize how we view and assess civilian risks. This project will involve purchasing birds and cameras, hiring a team to maintain the cameras, and investing in public outreach. The largest risk are animal activists, to ensure success, we should treat the birds humanely, be transparent about the project and involve PETA to create guidelines, protocols and a public awareness campaign. I will need $10,000,000 in funding and 1 year to make this project a reality.

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