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Ai Prompts for PMs
Ai Prompts for Product Managers

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Epicly Fast Epic

Epic is usually a misnomer.
An epic is a group of related development tasks to achieve a particular strategic goal. It is the what when how why of a dev project. In a perfect world your product trio, designer-dev manager- pm, usually collab on these to make sure they are tight and right…but in the real world you probably have some epics that are stale, completely blank, or are so mind-numbingly technical, and obtuse that no one will understand or read them (sorry engineers.) In which case this prompt is a great alternative. Substantive yet concise, and human-readable.

Use this prompt

Write an epic for the project using the formula by answering each section.

Generate a name: Name formula "Operation" + a transformer from the franchise transformers name + a random word that is considered radical

What are we doing?
What are we doing? break down the process of completing this project into a short paragraph so that it can be understood by a non-technical So a high school student could understand it.

Desired Outcomes:
What are the leading indicators of success? How will our user's behavior change? How will this change our value proposition?

Product requirements
What are the ten steps to completing this project? Written so that it can be understood by a non-technical So a high school student could understand it.

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For example

Migrate to Snowflake ❄️

The project: Making a large dataset available for purchase on Snowflake Seed Ideas: Reorganizing and reformatting our database, scrubbing identifying information, new revenue stream, new pricing model, new customers

Output From ChatGPT (including slight tweaks from me)

Operation Megatron Radical

Operation Megatron Radical is a project to make a large dataset available for purchase on Snowflake.Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehouse platform. It provides a data warehouse-as-a-service that enables organizations to store, analyze data using the cloud, and sell data in a marketplace. We will reorganize and reformat our database, scrub any identifying information, and create a new pricing model.

The leading indicators of success include increased revenue, improved data organization, and new customers buying our data. This will improve our value proposition and customers’ ability to access the data they need, and help us find new customers.

The ten steps to completing this project are:
1. Assess current data and format
2. Create a plan to reorganize and standardize the data
3. Reorganize and standardize the data into Snowflake
4. Scrub any identifying information
5. Create a secure account on Snowflake to store the data
6. Set up a pricing model
7. Create a marketing campaign to promote the new dataset
8. Monitor the usage of the dataset
9. Analyze the performance of the dataset
10. Make changes to the dataset to improve performance.

This project could fail if we lack the technical expertise to properly organize and standardize the data. It is also important to make sure that the pricing model and marketing campaign are properly aligned with the customer's needs.

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