Occupational Safety and Health Law, Basic Legislative Requirements for Employers. Basic Principles of Safety and Health and General Obligations of Employers and Employees.
Legislative obligations for the preparation of a Written Risk Assessment, maintenance of a Risk Management System, recording of accidents, measurement of harmful factors, management of chemicals, etc. Creation of an Internal Protection and Prevention Service.
Legislation on obligations for the establishment of a Security Committee and minimum requirements for its formation. Staffing of the S.C., meetings, roles and responsibilities. Code of practice for employee participation in Health and Safety matters at work.
Minimum Safety and Health Standards in the Workplace Regulations. Minimum specifications for building facilities, ventilation and lighting, access and movement in building facilities, fall protection, minimum workspace and welfare facilities.
Minimum Safety and Health Standards in the Workplace Regulations. Minimum specifications for building facilities, ventilation and lighting, access and movement in building facilities, fall protection, minimum work space and welfare facilities.
Basic principles of workplace inspection, inspections by the Safety and Health Commission. Techniques and methods of monitoring work safety.