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The Truth About Mental Models 📄


I’m the first to admit that my liking for mental models and systems thinking is largely driven by readings paired with observations of others. I’ve begun to notice the patterns of those I aspire to, and then invert them on myself. ‘Systems-thinking’, ‘interdisciplinary-models,’ ‘compounding’ all carry such weight when discussed, yet are rarely truly followed. I once wrote about the difference between motivation and discipline, and strongly believe that most of the patterns fall back on strongly held, clear-cut habits. They are the difficult, boring habits - sleeping early, allowing time for reflection, and framing decisions. Yet these decisions are best realized and internalized when they’ve been lived through and broken. Mistakes and failures guide and solidify the patterns that work, and unless one has actually found conviction in the model for him/herself, they will not reap the true rewards of such a belief.

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