
Upcoming changes to your payment experience

Hi there! At Ophelia, we use a few different services to operate our business and ensure that experiences like visit scheduling, visits themselves, and payments run smoothly. We are making some changes soon to improve your payment experience with us.

When are these changes happening?

These changes will take place on Monday, August 14 at 5 PM EST. You will not be able to access invoices or payment features in your portal during this time, and you can expect all features to be available again the following morning (at 5 AM EST on Tuesday, August 15).

What is changing?

We will start using , a widely used payment processing service, to improve how we how we manage subscriptions, generate invoices, and process your payments. Going forward, here are the changes you will notice:
Payments: Instead of only being able to pay your entire outstanding balance from the portal going forward, you will be able to select which invoices you wish to pay. You can select one or multiple invoices to pay at once.
Payment methods: You will be able to manage multiple payment methods and choose your default card on your own, instead of having to reach out to Ophelia for every change you wish to make.
Invoices: They will look different, but will contain all the same information as before. Check out the example below:
You will be able to view these changes and use all new features from the Billing and invoices section of your portal starting on Tuesday, August 15.

Where will your information be stored?

Going forward, we will only be storing your payment method information in , a widely used payment processing service. This will allow us to run your card for payments each month, and keep track of payments against your subscription, co-pay, and/or no-show fee invoices.
We will not be storing sensitive information about your visits or care in Stripe. Any sensitive information you see on your invoices (ex: OUD maintenance visit) will be kept internal to Ophelia and not shared with Stripe.

Other questions?

If you have more questions about these upcoming changes, please reach out to Ophelia at (215)-585-2144.

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