
The sport of GRID is an expression of equality and diversity.

It is FAST and FUN!


2 teams - same amount of people per team, players of any age can play GRID Anywhere.
A designated start line and a finish line


To WIN. The more you want to win, the more fun it is!


Sprint Relay: 2 teams racing head to head, one player per element (it’s a relay race)

Start in the Start zone - when the race begins, one player will run to the first element and complete it as fast as possible, then cross the finish line. Then, the next player can enter the GRID and run to the next element.
The team whose final player crosses the finish line first, wins.
Each race is 5 minutes or less
The organizer or coach will choose the race elements

Sprint Relay Race (without equipment):

20 Mountain Climbers
10 Burpees
20 Air Squats
15 Push ups
30 Jumping Jacks
16 Jumping Lunges

Sprint Relay Race (with equipment):

10 Hang Cleans
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
15 Air Squats
15 Shoulder to Overhead
10 Wall Ball
4 Clean and Jerks
Have you tried GRID Anywhere?
Tag us! #GRIDanywhere @americangridassociation @flgridleague
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