Social Crew

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Social Crew

Building Team Morale and Dividing Invisible Labor

The Philosophy: All aboard! 🛥️

Invisible labor refers to the work that goes unnoticed and unappreciated. Although organizing office birthday parties or team events isn’t explicitly listed on the job description, they are invaluable in maintaining the social fabric and morale of the team. It is important to recognize and appreciate the hard work that goes into planning and executing these events, and to find ways to share the responsibility across the team so that no one person is shouldering an unfair burden. By doing so, we can foster a culture of empathy, teamwork, and mutual support that benefits everyone.
Social Crews are the captains that steer your workplace ship towards a lively and engaging environment. These committees hoist the sails of team building activities, navigate through the waves of diversity celebrations, and ensure that feedback from employees is heard loud and clear.

By creating a positive and inclusive workplace culture, employees become part of the crew, all working towards the same goal.
And let's not forget about the treasures of employee achievements - social committees can help weigh anchor and organize events that make employees feel like they've hit the jackpot for their hard work.
So, let's set sail and make work a voyage to remember!

Pros: Ahoy! 👋

Employee Engagement
Encourages active participation by putting the onus on the team to build and inclusive culture and morale.
Relationship building and boost collaboration
Divides invisible labor
Ad-hoc social events often fall on managers. As the team grows the time, energy, effort to ensure quality naturally falls through the cracks.
Other times, events fall on the shoulders of 1-2 people. They are assigned “because I thought you like that sort of thing” or “I thought you would be good at it”
Step 1

Step 3

Set Up: Anchors Away ⚓

Organize 2-3 people to own events on a quarterly basis. Check out how to to get started.
The first action item for the social crew is to set up a meeting with the Manager to plan for events and budget.
Each team builds a calendar with schedule of events for the quarter - mix of big/small/medium events to include:
1 big team celebration (quarterly)
any seasonal holidays/events (as they pop up)
team birthday coordination (per team bdays)
team hangs (every other week, already on calendar)
You can pitch ideas and the team can vote on them or it can be a surprise!
Each team is responsible for budgeting, and running these events in a manner that’s inclusive, and fun!
Each team will run ideas by their Manager for approval to make sure they are within budget and the content is work appropriate and inclusive

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