
Regent University - Custom Virtuous Implementation & Integration with Banner Finance

1. Project Summary

Rooted Software is excited to partner with Regent University for their implementation of Virtuous and integration to Banner Finance. Rooted Software is committed to serving Regent University with Fidelity, Compassion, and Intentionality. As a Premium Virtuous Partner, our Data Migration, Systems Consulting, and Custom Development teams will ensure that your adoption of Virtuous is tailored to Regent’s needs.
This proposal is accomplishing two improvements for Regent University. Implementing Virtuous CRM and creating a daily, flat file CSV to import into Banner Finance. Rooted Software is committed to dedicating the resources necessary to deliver both a fully provisioned live database and flat file import process by the beginning of September. This expedited timeline will require Regent University’s full cooperation and responsiveness to be successful, but we are confident that with this partnership, the change to Virtuous will be a successful and effective.
For the implementation of Virtuous CRM, our collaboration with your team will be spread across three phases. First, our team will review and map your data field by field, in preparation for its migration from your legacy system to your new Virtuous environment. Second, we will use that mapping plan—approved in collaboration with your team—to build and share up to three test database with your team for quality assurance and testing purposes. Finally, we will launch your live Virtuous database and conduct a final round of QA to ensure you are satisfied and your new database is accurate and usable.
For the integration process, our collaboration with your team will be spread across 3 phases. First, our team will hold an initial discovery with your finance department to learn more about account mapping and coding. Second, we will create a beta version of the import tool and release it to the Regent team for testing and feedback. Finally, after updates are made, we will release the integration into your live Virtuous environment and sync it to the delivery tool of Regent’s choosing.
In addition to these migration-specific tasks, our team provides a dedicated project manager, who will ensure that your custom-built project plan and schedule are maintained, communication between our teams is regular and clear, and other project details are tracked and documented.

2. Statement of Work

2.1 Implementation Project SOW

Data Preparation and Review
Schedule and lead up to three (3) Data Review calls for discovery of the Client’s current data sources and data management processes. The Client is responsible for presenting all data sources (including supplementary data such as spreadsheets) they plan to include in the migration during the data review stage. Data sources presented later in the implementation may result in additional costs and/or timeline delays.
Request and obtain access to the Client’s data via admin level access to their system(s) and/or data exports provided by the Client.
Perform data hygiene services (including cleaning and deduplication) for up to three (3) data source as requested by the Client (subject to migration team review and approval).
Data Mapping
Map data from the Client’s existing source system(s) into Virtuous fields and categories.
Schedule and host a Mapping Review Call with the Client to review a list of specific data points which require the Client’s feedback to finalize the data mapping. If necessary, the Data Migration Technician may provide mapping documentation for the Client to complete and return after the call.
Provide full-service customized data mapping options for migrating legacy data to Virtuous including mapping legacy data to different entities in Virtuous and remapping major structural components within Virtuous (Rooted Software reserves the right to determine remapping feasibility on a case-by-case basis; if determined to be unfeasible, Rooted Software will provide consultation on options and best practices for accommodating the Client’s requirements).
Quality Assurance Testing
Prepare and deliver up to three (3) test Virtuous databases for the Client to review and provide feedback (additional cycles and/or test databases may be requested at addt’l cost).
Perform a “spot” QA-check prior to releasing any database to check for major issues in the test database. An “Import Overview” report that includes high level database statistics and documentation of known issues and errors present in the test database will be provided at database release.
Schedule and lead a Handoff Call with the Client after release of the first test database to review the documentation and resources related to the test database and overview recommended steps for the Client to follow in their quality assurance testing.
Provide an online form for the Client to use to submit quality assurance issues for review according to the instructions and specifications provided by Rooted Software.
Host QA Review meeting to review all quality assurance feedback submitted by the client for each QA cycle.
Live Database Launch
Coordinate with the Client to determine a “cut-off” date when the Data Migration Technician will arrange for the final data export from the Client’s legacy system(s).
Deliver the Client’s fully provisioned live database and facilitate introduction to the Client’s Virtuous account manager.
Review QA feedback provided by the Client within (20) business days of the live database release and resolve any errors or desired mapping changes which were addressed in the QA Review period and not implemented in the live database.
Evaluate the Client’s live database for duplicate contact records created during the migration and provide the Client with the results of this evaluation within four weeks (twenty business days) after release of the live database.
Training and Consulting
Facilitate access to a fully functional Virtuous Sandbox environment for the Client to explore and provide instructions on the use of Virtuous Academy for on-demand online Virtuous training.
Schedule and host a Training Assessment with the Client to create a customized training plan; client must have first three (3) Virtuous Academy modules complete prior to scheduling this call.
Schedule and host up to eight (8) 60-minute instructor-led video training courses to cover key elements of the Virtuous platform. Live training can be provided if desired, at an additional cost via change order.
Schedule and host regular consulting calls with the Project Manager and Lead Technician for the purpose of communicating project and timeline updates and providing coaching on the implementation process; consulting calls may not be scheduled more than 1x/week up to eight (8) weeks after go-live.
Additional Coaching and Consulting Services
Provide post-live product configuration services as requested by the Client including (but not limited to) creating permission groups, adding organization users, managing organization settings, creating and implementing organization groups, creating receipting groups, running queries, and building initial reports and automations. Post-live database configuration and consulting is limited to the first eight (8) weeks after the live database is released.
Provide consulting for up to three business processes that involve Virtuous as requested by the Client (i.e., gift entry process improvement, major donor development, grant management, etc.). Business process consulting strategy consists of the following four steps: (1) discovery of current processes with emphasis on pain points and desired growth areas through interviews with key stakeholders, (2) consultation and support for defining new processes and procedures in Virtuous, (3) deployment of new process through team training and support, and (4) documentation of new processes.
Provide consultation for any additional Virtuous or partner products the Client intends to use alongside Virtuous (i.e., Virtuous Giving, RaiseDonors, VOMO, Virtuous Events Pro, etc.). These services are intended to augment, not replace, any onboarding and implementation services provided by Virtuous. Technical assistance for these platforms is available via Virtuous Support.
Provide limited support and consultation for using Virtuous BI. Consultation is limited to one instructor-led training session to overview the platform and the building of one report.
Project Management
Provide a dedicated Project Manager who will serve as the primary point of contact for the Client’s implementation of Virtuous.
Prepare, manage and communicate a project timeline with milestones based on the agreed upon projected Go-Live date.
Provide access to an online project management platform for the client to track and access project timeline and resources.
The following services are considered out-of-scope under this agreement:
Migration of data which cannot be exported in records (such as file attachments, reports and queries, and email analytics)
Implementation or support for custom and/or third-party system integrations
Any other services, documentation, consultation, support, or otherwise not listed above or approved by documented change order.

2.2 Integration Project SOW

Regent University will provide:
Access to Virtuous Instance & API Keys Necessary for Obtaining Gift Data.
Accounting Codes & Sub-codes on the Virtuous Project (Designations).
Mapping information necessary to connect the accounting codes to the proper debit and credit accounts.
A sample CSV file that includes the required import format into Banner Finance.
Delivery endpoint for csv (FTP, Email, or other low-friction delivery endpoint. (Phase 1)
Necessary access to relevant systems/tools in Regent’s environment that are required for development
Rooted Software will provide:
The creation of daily gift transaction payload in the format required for uploaded by Banner Finance.
Transaction payload will include necessary data transformations adapting Virtuous data to Banner Finance CSV.
Transaction payload will include summary gift data to post to GL the necessary credits and debits into proper accounts matched by transaction codes and sub-codes.
Daily delivery of CSV file.
Error reporting for failed delivery and retry of delivery in the event initial attempts failed.
8 week warranty period to fix bugs and provide support.
8 weeks of consultation/training on the Virtuous API post go-live (up to 1 hour of consultation/training per week).
Hosting options for the integration. Depending on the discovery and design, there may be on-going hosting costs for the integration which Regent can directly manage, or can have Rooted managed via a separate contract.

3.Potential Timeline

Timeline Data
Timeline View
Kick-off Call
BA Data Discovery Call
BA Data Review Call
BF Data Discovery Call
BF Integration Development Phase 1
Complete Academy Training Part 1
Initial Platform Setup
Create/launch giving pages
Mapping Review Call
Complete Mapping Documentation
Complete Academy Training Part 2
Test 1 Release
Test 1 QA Review
Test 1 QA Call
Recurring Donor Migration
Test 2 Release
Test 2 QA Review
Test 2 QA Call
Release Test/Beta Version
BF QA Review/Testing
Test 3 Release
Test 3 QA Review
Test 3 QA Call
Sign off Call
Live Database Release
Launch Integration
Post Live QA
Bug Fix/Review (60 Days)
Virtuous API Training
Kick-off Call
BA Data Discovery Call
BA Data Review Call
BF Data Discovery Call
BF Integration Development Phase 1
Complete Academy Training Part 1
Initial Platform Setup
Create/launch giving pages
Mapping Review Call
Complete Mapping Documentation
Complete Academy Training Part 2
Test 1 Release
Test 1 QA Review
Test 1 QA Call
Recurring Donor Migration
Test 2 Release
Test 2 QA Review
Test 2 QA Call
Release Test/Beta Version
BF QA Review/Testing
Test 3 Release
Test 3 QA Review
Test 3 QA Call
Sign off Call
Live Database Release
Launch Integration
Post Live QA
Bug Fix/Review (60 Days)
Virtuous API Training

4. Pricing Structure

4.1 Estimated Implementation Breakdown
Unit Cost
Unit Discount
Total Cost
Elite Virtuous Implementation (Expedited Timeline)
Flat File Import Integration with Banner Finance
There are no rows in this table

Estimated Total Implementation Cost

4.2 Payment Schedule
Due at Signing
April 1
May 1
June 1
July 1
August 1
September 1
There are no rows in this table

5. Contract Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions governing this engagement include both those found
, in addition to the following:

5.1 Project Definitions

Parties or Entities
The parties or entities generally referenced throughout the project duration shall be the Client/Customer, Virtuous Software, Inc., and Rooted Software.
The Client/Customer shall generally refer to the named employees of the entity with whom Rooted Software has regular, formal communication and who bear a primary fiduciary or executive responsibility for the entity.
Virtuous Software, Inc. shall generally refer to any employees of Virtuous Software, Inc. with whom Rooted Software has regular, formal, project-related communication.
Rooted Software shall generally refer to any employees of Rooted Software or vendors, subcontractors, technicians, or other collaborators deemed necessary for-hire or employ by Rooted Software for the satisfactory and timely completion of contracted work.
Project Terms
The Contract shall refer to the agreed-upon expectations for all project measurables including pricing, scope of work, and timeline.
Pricing shall refer to the agreed-upon cost associated with all project work; pricing does not include any work or expenses not explicitly stated in the contract scope of work.
Scope of Work shall refer to the agreed-upon description of work or services to be performed by Rooted Software or its affiliates; all questions or concerns related to the scope of work should be discussed prior to the signing of contract or the beginning of any project work.
Timeline shall refer to the agreed-upon schedule in calendar days for the expected delivery or completion of the project scope of work.

5.2 Standard Project Deliverables

The standard practice of Rooted Software shall be to deliver all products and services within the timeline set forth in the agreed-upon contract.
The standard practice of Rooted Software shall be to deliver all products and services in a professional manner, in accordance with industry standards of best-practice, workmanship, liability, etc.
All contract expectations for timeline shall be clearly set forth in the agreed-upon contract.
All contract expectations for products and services shall be clearly set forth in the agreed-upon contract.
No work shall be covered by any warranty unless specifically stated in the terms of the contract or an agreed-upon contract for further maintenance and support services.

5.3 Standard Project Assumptions

It is generally assumed that the Client will provide all relevant documentation required to complete the project in a timely manner per the contract terms.
It is generally assumed that the Client will provide all project-related system access to Rooted Software and its employees in a timely manner per the contract terms.
It is generally assumed that the Client will make any necessary staff members available to discuss project needs, answer questions, or be otherwise available for collaboration with Rooted Software and its employees; this includes but is not limited to electronic communication (e.g., email, Slack, Microsoft Teams, etc.), remote meetings, phone calls, and in-person meetings and collaborative work.
It is generally assumed that the Client is responsible to procure and purchase the licensing rights to any additional products or software required or recommended by Rooted Software for the completion of the project terms and scope of work. This includes but is not limited to Virtuous CRM and Banner Finance. Rooted Software does not expect to recommend or require any more additional software but reserves the right to do so.

5.4 Standard Project Exclusions

Client is not responsible for any fee or expense for which it did not provide its prior written consent.
Any work not included in the agreed upon scope of work and in the associated contract shall be considered “out of scope” and would require a change order.
Any cloud storage or service related to backup solutions.
Any custom application development, consultation, deployment, or ongoing support except that in previously agreed-upon contract terms or approved, along with all associated costs, in writing by the Client.
Any non-standard improvements to current systems, including but not limited to system architecture, data migration, or replacement of equipment outside any agreed-upon or scheduled maintenance period.
Any gathering or collating of core system replacement requirements.
Any interstate or intercity travel unless required and approved in writing by the Client.
Any associated costs for interstate or intercity travel, including but not limited to per diem, lodging, and transportation, unless required and approved in writing by the Client.

5.5 Standard Procedure for All Project Changes

Any changes to the project Scope of Work shall be submitted to Rooted Software in writing by the Client prior to the beginning of any additional work or services.
Any changes to the project Scope of Work shall be priced based on the criteria below and such pricing shall be resubmitted to the Client in writing prior to the beginning of any additional work or services. Client is only liable if it requests changes that increase cost. Client is not liable unless it approves a detailed modification to the scope of work in writing.
Rooted Software reserves the right to price any additional work differently from the base contract rate, including but not limited to hourly rate increases or minimum hourly requirements. These rates would require approval by the client in writing before any work would commence on a new scope of work. There will be no increase in hourly rates to any scope of work, after the scope of work has been agreed and signed by both parties.
Rooted Software reserves the right to provide a separate proposal and contract from the original Scope of Work at its sole discretion based upon but not limited to the following criteria:
Substantial deviation from the original contract Scope of Work
Substantial difference in the expected timeline for work or project delivery
Delinquency in Client payment for invoices on completed or ongoing work
Rooted Software reserves the right at its sole discretion to decline to price or perform any changes to the Scope of Work without termination or alteration to the original project’s contract, deliverables, or timeline. Rooted Software will not unreasonably deny Client's request for additional work.

5.6 Billing and Invoicing Procedures

Standard Billing and Invoicing Procedures
Any invoices, whether regular or irregular, for any Rooted Software labor shall be due within 30 calendar days of receipt by the Client. Invoices will be billed and sent to client by email each month.
Any invoices, whether regular or irregular, for any hardware, software, licensing fees, or any other materials or non-labor costs shall be paid in advance or be due within 30 calendar days of receipt by the Client.
Any unpaid invoice amounts 30 or more days past their due date shall be considered “Past Due” and accrue interest at the rate of 1.5% per month.
Any costs associated with the collection of Past Due amounts shall be billed to the Client.
Rooted Software reserves the right at its sole discretion to refuse service of any kind, including that of the present contract, due to unpaid Past Due invoices.
Expense Billing and Reimbursement
Any reasonable “out-of-pocket” expenses accrued in travel to or from the Client location for the purpose of performing work, consultation, or any other duties associated with the Scope of Work shall be considered reimbursable by the Client. Customer must approve all out of pocket or other requests for reimbursable expenses prior to them being incurred. Rooted Software will bear all its own expenses, unless otherwise approved in advance by the client for travel purposes to or from the client.
All reimbursable expenses shall be invoiced to the Client in writing and are subject to the same payment terms as listed above.
Disputes or inquiries about reimbursable expenses shall be submitted by the Client in writing to Rooted Software.

5.7 General Standards for Property and Privacy Rights

Upon project completion, all private information, whether corporate or private, including but not limited to email addresses, server information, passwords, login information, or PINs should be rendered inaccessible to Rooted Software personnel unless otherwise stipulated within the contract documents.
Rooted Software reserves the right to use propriety software or methods in future work with other clients or customers; this work shall be limited to the software only and does not include any private personal or corporate information.

5.8 Termination

This agreed-upon contract may be terminated with 45 days’ written notice by the Client.
All costs and invoices will be due immediately upon termination of this contract for work accepted by client, performed up to the date of termination.
In the event of project failure resulting from circumstances caused by Client's breach of the contract, Client agrees to remunerate Rooted Software for the time and materials invested throughout the project.

5.9 Limitation of Liability

Rooted Software shall be free from any present or future liability for the use or misuse of any services, equipment, or platforms by the Client, its representatives, or its employees. Rooted Software bears no future responsibility to repair or restore any goods, services, equipment, or work performed beyond any warranty explicitly stated within the contract documents or defined in a separate maintenance and support services contract.
Third Party Liability: Rooted Software shall not bear responsibility for the operational outcomes of any third-party vendor, third-party agreements, data transition processes, or adaptations necessitating the involvement of third-party vendors. Additionally, Rooted Software shall not assume liability for any guidance regarding the utilization of particular third-party vendors or software solutions.

5.10 Migration Expectations

In order to achieve a successful migration, Clients are expected to work in partnership with the Virtuous and Rooted teams. The following items describe specific ways—though not exhaustively—in which a Client is expected to partner with the migration team, as well as other expectations and details across migration levels.
1. Data Preparation and Review
Rooted Software will schedule and lead up to three (3) 90-minute Data Review calls via Zoom for the purpose of discovery of the Client’s current data sources and data management processes. The Client will be expected to demonstrate current data management processes via video screen share and answer questions about their data to the best of their ability.
Rooted Software will request and obtain access to the Client’s data through one or more methods for the purpose of data mapping and migration. These methods may include (but are not limited to) administrator level login to the Client’s data source(s), data exports from Client’s source system(s) (performed either by Rooted Software or the Client), and the use of a copy or backup of the Client’s database. It is ultimately the Client’s responsibility to provide the data to be migrated to Virtuous, and Rooted Software reserves the right to specify the format in which data must be submitted.
The Client should come to the Data Review Call prepared to discuss specific requirements.
2. Data Mapping
Rooted Software will be responsible for mapping data from the Client’s existing source system(s) into Virtuous fields and categories. The Data Migration Technician will make independent mapping decisions based on his knowledge of Virtuous and information gathered in the Data Review stage. Because of the complexity of data mapping, the Data Mapping Technician is unable to provide comprehensive documentation on how every data point is mapped between the legacy system(s) and Virtuous.
Rooted Software will schedule and host a 60-minute Mapping Review Call with the Client to review a list of specific data points which require the Client’s feedback to finalize the data mapping. If necessary, the Data Migration Technician may provide mapping documentation for the Client to complete and return after the call. The Client will be responsible for returning the completed documentation in a timely manner; failure to return the completed documentation by the requested deadline may result in delays to the project timeline.
Specific options for data mapping will vary depending on the implementation package chosen by the client, especially as it pertains to mapping legacy data to different entities in Virtuous (i.e., transferring event or volunteer data which exists in notes in the legacy system to the Event or Volunteer modules in Virtuous) or remapping major structural components (i.e., creating households in Virtuous that do not exist in the legacy system, remapping legacy campaigns and/or funds into new Virtuous categories, etc.). Rooted Software reserves the right to determine whether or not it is feasible to remap and/or restructure a given data entity in migration on a case-by-case basis. Where data mapping requests and preferences are determined to be unfeasible, Rooted Software will provide consultation on options and best practices for accommodating the Client’s requirements.
When migrating data from multiple data sources (i.e., legacy CRM and legacy email/marketing platform), a common unique identifier that exists in all legacy systems is required in order to prevent the creation of duplicate records. If such a unique identifier is not available, Rooted Software will attempt to join records from the legacy systems using email addresses (if available). The Data Migration Technician will not attempt to join records based on names or physical addresses.
3. Quality Assurance Testing
Rooted Software will prepare and release a test Virtuous database using the initial data pull and the Client’s completed mapping documentation for the Client to review and provide feedback.
Rooted Software will perform a 60-120 minute “spot” QA-check prior to releasing any database to check for major issues in the test database. An “Import Overview” report that includes high level database statistics and documentation of known issues and errors present in the test database will be provided at database release.
Rooted Software will schedule and lead a 60-minute Handoff Call with the Client to review the documentation and resources related to the test database and overview recommended steps for the Client to follow in their quality assurance testing.
Rooted Software will provide an online form for the Client to use to submit quality assurance issues for review according to the instructions and specifications provided by Rooted Software. It is the responsibility of the Client to review their test database thoroughly and bring any errors or desired changes to the attention of their Data Migration Technician(s). Rooted Software will not be responsible for errors and desired changes that are not raised during quality assurance testing.
Rooted Software will host a 60-minute QA Review meeting to review all quality assurance feedback submitted by the client. The Project Manager will provide a deadline by which this call should be scheduled by the Client in order to maintain the project timeline; failure to schedule this call before the deadline may result in delays to the project timeline.
Allowable number of QA cycles will be determined by the implementation package specified or other details contained within the contract SOW, each cycle following the steps above and producing a separate test database. Additional quality assurance cycles and/or test databases may be requested by the Client and require a change order agreed upon by the Client and Rooted Software.
4. Live Database Launch
Rooted Software will coordinate with the Client as the projected Go-Live date approaches to determine a “cut-off” date when the Data Migration Technician will arrange for the final data export from the Client’s legacy system(s). Any data entered or updated in the legacy system(s) after this date will not be reflected in the live Virtuous database.
It is normal to expect 1-2 weeks of “down time” after the agreed upon cut-off date for Rooted Software to build and provision the live database. Rooted Software will advise the Client on best practices for tracking data during this period.
Rooted Software will notify the Client when their live database is released and provide the Client with a checklist of recommended steps after accessing the database.
The Client may submit QA feedback for a specified time period (determined by the Client’s implementation packages) after the live database is released. Rooted Software is accountable for resolving any errors or desired mapping changes which were addressed in the QA Review period and not implemented in the live database. Any changes or corrections that are submitted after the specified window or which were not raised during quality assurance testing may be requested by the Client and will be implemented at an additional hourly rate of $155.00/hour.
Depending on the implementation package selected, Rooted Software may evaluate the Client’s live database for duplicate contact records created in the migration (i.e., records from separate data sources that could not be joined in migration) and/or contact records that should be merged (i.e., separate spouse records that should be merged into one household). Where deduplication services are included, the Data Migration Technician will provide the Client with the results of this evaluation within two to four weeks after release of the live database along with options for resolving duplicates systematically.
5. Training and Consulting
Rooted Software will grant access to a fully functional Virtuous Sandbox environment for the Client to explore and test functionality. The Client may add additional team members to the Sandbox environment as they deem fit.
Virtuous Academy is an online on-demand comprehensive training platform for Virtuous users. The platform is free and does not require a Virtuous subscription to use. Rooted Software will provide information for accessing Virtuous Academy and will set training milestones for the Client to achieve throughout the implementation. Rooted Software can also advise on recommended training modules for other organization users.
Additional training and associated details will be specified within the contract SOW as applicable
Rooted Software will schedule and host regular coaching and/or consulting calls with the Project Manager and Lead Technician for the purpose of communicating project and timeline updates and providing coaching and consultation on the implementation process. The frequency and nature of these calls will vary according to the implementation package chosen by the Client.
6. Project Management
Rooted Software will provide access to an online project management platform for the client to track and access project timeline and resources.
Rooted Software will provide a dedicated Project Manager who will serve as the primary point of contact for the Client’s implementation of Virtuous.
Rooted Software will strive to build and adhere to a project timeline with milestones based on the agreed upon projected Go-Live date. Rooted Software will strive to clearly communicate to the Client any deadlines for providing needed responses and/or resources to Rooted Software. Failure to meet these deadlines may result in timeline delays.
The following services are considered out-of-scope under this agreement:
Migration of data which cannot be exported in records (such as file attachments, reports and queries, and email analytics)
Scoping, implementation, or support for custom and/or third-party system integrations (unless otherwise specified in the project scope).

6. Acceptance

If you accept the project summary, scope, pay schedule, and terms as listed above, please use the e- signature function below to proceed. Please reach out to David Lentz with any questions or concerns.

Customer Representative Name & Title

Customer Representative Signature

Rooted Software Representative Name & Title

Rooted Software Representative Signature

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