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Game Designer

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What is Leaderboard

Leaderboard helps players to understand their ranking as compare to all players available on the games. It gives a player motivation to play a game more and score high on Leaderboard.
“Leaderboards rank players according to their relative success, measuring them against a certain success criterion. As such, leaderboards can help determine who performs best in a certain activity and are thus competitive indicators of progress that relate the player's own performance to the performance of others.” ~ Wikipedia


Allow people to compete
Allow social comparisons & track the progress
Allow players to set a Goal and achieve


Improve LTV of a user
Improve user engagement on the game
Improve user retention on the game
Improve user growth

Design Objective

Give a sense of progress to a player
Give badges and milestone to a player
It should reflect your competence

Gamification Technique Used

Stepping stone (Giving a goal to achieve e.g. Top 10 rank in daily leaderboard)
Reward Loop (Reward through leaderboard e.g. If a person play multiple times, he would score high on leaderboard)
Flow (Challenge meets with the skills)

Overview of the feature

Only Facebook logins users are allowed in Leaderboard (V1).
Type of Leaderboard: We will be having two type of leaderboard: Daily and Weekly. Daily leaderboard will be reset in every 24 hours and weekly leaderboard will be reset every week. In V2, we will also add a lifetime leaderboard. Lifetime leaderboard will have no expire date.
Leaderboard UI:
Top 3 players will be in different color.
Top 10 players will be shown in daily/weekly leaderboard. Also, player’s current ranking will also there on the leaderboard.
Timer will be shown to create an urgency for users
Milestone/Rewards: No rewards in V1


Leaderboard will update after each game
Daily leaderboard will be reset in every 24 hours
Weekly leaderboard will be reset in every 7 days
Countdown timer will be shown
For name of the user,
Ask name using pop-up
Facebook login


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