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unDavos Playbook
The unDavos 2024 Playbook

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unDavos Guidelines

First of all —- welcome to Davos! As some of you know, this group is not a WEF-sanctioned initiative (it does not need to be either!).
unDavos is a community and a series of events that have been put together by a community of people that love working on big meaningful things and have a wider goal of changing the world for better - in line with the WEF motto of improving the state of the world.
‘Davos’ is a gathering of over 15,000 people during one week in Davos, coinciding with the WEF Annual Meeting. The WEF has 2,700 delegates, then there are 1,100 WEF Strategic Partners with ‘Ice Village’ access. unDavos has 2,000 directly in the Telegram coordination and sharing group, and another 3,000+ indirectly benefiting from their colleagues’ participation.
Everyone in the unDavos group has been vetted, and we are confident that all of the people in our group are of the highest quality, caliber and integrity. In addition, we actively monitor the group to set guidelines, address issues, and we will remove both content and people if they do not represent the ideals of this group… (or generally show themselves to be not cool, good people).
These guidelines come from years of collective experience we have as part of the global WEF community. All of us community members believe it is a privilege to be here in Davos, in whatever capacity brings you to #DavosWeek.

Important Notes!

If you are not an official WEF Annual Meeting participant, do NOT represent yourself as such (so don’t say “I’m here at the WEF” when you are not… but you can say “I’m here during the WEF”). It is important that you adhere to this guideline. The WEF takes pride in selecting its participants and managing its events. This is especially important for people who are not part of the WEF community. If you’re a WEF YGLer, Global Shaper or Tech Pioneer – you are held to a higher standard and behave accordingly.

Some guidelines for being in the unDavos community

be friendly, cool and nice
be helpful and share with others where you can (e.g. answering questions spontaneously in a group)
the main telegram group is NOT for accommodation or rides (clogs up the system) - so think about what you post and where
if you are not sure about what to post… send a DM to @markturrell or @yobiebenjamin to see if it is ok… or find the best way of sharing
if something bad happens, there are a few moderators who will take the time to understand what has happened, see if the issue can be quietly sorted… and in the last resort to ban from the unDavos community (often then for life)

Other thoughts on general behavior during #DavosWeek

Please pace yourself and don’t make a fool of yourself - there is a lot of alcohol at events - so please don’t ruin this for yourself and everyone else.
Watch out for each other. If someone is getting a bit too drunk (upset, etc), work out a good action to make the situation better.
There are many men and women at events and you’ll meet lots and lots of them. Maybe help them get home. Be respectful and don’t sexually harass anyone. If you’re lucky to meet a new friend, be happy. Another important point is a simple rule – NO means NO. You’re all smart enough to figure that out.
Finally enjoy yourselves in Davos - and hopefully get lots of value and we see you again next year. Remember we are one global community. Thanks to all for your support and help!
Your unDavos hosts,
Mark, Yobie, Rich
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