
About Us

Hi 👋 Bring The Growth is a remote-first growth agency founded in Warsaw, Poland.


Our sole purpose is helping early stage tech B2B SaaS companies and software development agencies start generating revenue. In other words, we help small teams sell complex products.

How We Work

We embed within a company and function as part of the team. Bring The Growth operates at the intersection of technology, sales, marketing, and design.


These are the principles and ideas we are guided by


There is an important reason why this value goes first. This is because ensuring that what we do can continue in perpetuity without harm and to the benefit of all participating in our activities. While growth is so important that we put it in the name of the company, sustainability serves as the natural limiter that ensures sustained health, wellbeing, and prosperity.


We want to help companies gain traction and enable them to develop their products and services to create a secure future for the business, employees, and customers. New companies need growth in order to survive. By having less baggage, a fresh perspective, and boundless enthusiasm, you can move mountains. This is also a principle we want to internalize as well. Through learning, experimentation, and a healthy environment, we will create an work environment to enable such a reality.


Humans are the creative element within the known world and need to continually outpace automation and counteract entropy. Thus we need to collectively band together and work as a tribe.
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