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Hitting Options

Open, Push, Pull, Backhand, Flick, Off Net Hitting

Open + General theory

Ignore NHZ ⭐
Setup position, athleting stance, knees bent feet at the net ⭐
Facing the setter. ⭐
Weight in the front/middle of your feet for adjustments. Don’t set your feet! ⭐⭐
Bend over net ⭐
Pendulum, swing arm straight 2.5cm above net ⭐
Swinging mechanics: /// Question elbow in? ⭐
Elbow up at shoulder level⭐
90° bend shoulder/forearm⭐
Rotate shoulder low to high⭐
As soon as shoulder would start dipping, Tricep out and around // Forearm coming through⭐
Wrist up?⭐⭐
Carry the ball: Snap/flex wrist (Contact slightly lower center of palm, then roll into fingertips, then close fingers) ⭐⭐
Shoulders stay parralel to the net ⭐
Hold follow through to keep ball low ⭐
Cross step
Hit avant le cross-step ⭐⭐
Cross-step en direction de la chute ⭐⭐
Common mistakes
Forget athletic stance, lowest contact point too high, ball will go high
lack of engaged elbow: don’t go straight down, go around
shoulder dip adding more variability, keeps shoulder lined
Phantom swings, engage shoulder, then shoulder tricep, then add wrist
Actual swings with ball and after every rep ask yourself:
shoulder engaged?
elbow engaged?
nice wrist snap?
ball go low?
If yes, that was a good rep

Pull ⭐⭐⭐

Usually happens in the far third of the net
Contact back of the ball so we can drag and wrap it behind
kick left leg back, move weight to right foot


Usually happens when ball lands in closest third of the net
Contact front of the ball and push in a perpendicular line from our hips
Alter arm position, arm high back and push ball forward



Wider foot stance for more lean, more over ball, more momentum and energy
When stepping into your shot, if two steps start with inside foot


If you don’t have the proper hitting form, you probably can’t crossstep
With arms straight in front of you, open your arms 180°. You should be able to hit flawlessly in that zone.
Insist on being ready to do some adjustments when receiving a set
Find exercises to practice where the set is going to land. Maybe going further?
Always hit low and snap wrist
Start inside the NHZ, rep it out again and again until you’re confortable before stepping out of the NHZ

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