Final Project (Sungai Besi Old Town's Place Market)

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Phase 1: Site Analysis and Urban Design Workshop

Phase 1 Tasks:

PART A: Research and Analysis (Materials for Workshop)
In a group of 10, you are required to:
Conduct a site analysis of the Sungai Besi Old Township. (Group A)
Conduct a site analysis of the site for the new marketplace. (Group B)
Record and Document the townscape of the existing urban fabric and architecture of the township. (Group C).
Please share with the tutors the content of your study by Saturday 16th December 2023.

PART B1: Concept Development (Workshop) - have to be replaced due to the surging COVID 19 issue among studio members (18-23 December 2023)
Working in guided brainstorming workshop format (with a facilitator) each group will:
Develop a conceptual framework for the revitalization of the Sungai Besi Old Township.
Develop a design strategy for the new pedestrian path.
Conduct a precedent study of marketplace and market hall.
Develop a design strategy for the new marketplace building.
Stationery for the workshop:
A0 white papers
Butter papers (A3)..bigger is better
Sticky Notes (3”x3”)
Masking Tape
Colour Markers/ Copic
Black Markers
Drawing Pens
Paper Cutter
Glue/ glue tape
PART B2: Concept Development (Structured Workshop)
In the same group as in PART A:
Appoint a group leader and/or facilitator.
Pick one of these Framework Theme:
Nostalgic-Vernacular (Mdm Anna)
Eco-Centric (Mr Rizal)
Avant-Garde (Mr Faisal)
Based on the theme, develop a conceptual framework for your group
List down 5 design principles for your framework with some explanation about each principle.
Identify 3 nodes located within the study area that connecting the MRT Station to your proposed Marketplace site (plus the 2 anchor nodes, in total there are 5 nodes).
Identify and draw the paths that connecting the 5 nodes (in total there are minimum of 4 paths).
In group, design the nodes and the paths according to any .
The main questions that you need to concentrate are:
How can we improve/change the node/the path?
What is the suitable urban form/character for the node/path?
What are the suitable activities/events for the node/path?
What the node/path should look like? visual image of the node/path?
In group, proposed in a diagrammatic conceptual program for the proposed hotel and the surrounding buildings:
The main items that you need to provide are:
The site layout diagram which shows the blocks that you picked to be the hotel (max 3 blocks)
The proposed hotel entrance location and facade.
The shops/facilities supporting the hotel for the leftover ‘heritage’ blocks.
The proposed circulation diagram.
The street facades (with intervention if any).
Compile the design process in a scrapbook format using Canva/PowerPoint/Goggle Slides.
Prepare another presentation slides for the finalised design. Please refer to serial vision narrative in preparing the presentation sequence.
Present the finalised design verbally.

Documentation and Presentation (Workshop Outcomes)
Each group is required to produce a digital scrapbook that record and shows:
A process report outlining the revitalization plan for the Sungai Besi Old Township.
A detailed map of the new route that leads the users to the new market place building.
A set of design guidelines for the revitalization of the Sungai Besi Old Township.
A proposed conceptual site plan and massing for the proposed building on the identified site.
Each group must present the revitalization plan on 4th January 2024.


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