

Thank you so much for taking care of Ash! this is everything you need to know.


1- Take him out to pee when you wake up, no need to rush, he can hold it for a bit.
2- Breakfast: 1 cup ~ no specific time
3- he usually takes a nap after that, but he sometimes likes to go out again to pee/poop right after
4- Dinner: 1 cup ~ around 4-6 pm
5- Take him out to pee right before you go to bed
Not necessary but it’s better he sleeps with you in the room, keep the door closed so he doesn't wonder around the house. He stays on his Bed or on the floor, he wont bother you.
Let him out to pee every 4-5 hours (not very strict with timing) . He has never had a pee/poop inside accident, he is really good at letting you know he needs to go, just watch for the signs ( he usually will sit in front of the door or become very antsy)
Take him out for at least 1 hour/day, if its raining all day, its ok, let him spend more time in the backyard or play with him inside a lot.
Note: Don’t feed him before activities or he will puke.
if you re going on a morning run, its more important to wait and feed him after, we wont starve, he can wait.
Dont feed for 2 hours before going in the car if its a long ride so he doesnt vomit
If you’re going hiking in the morning, you can feed him when you get there.

Rules and boundaries

No human food, no exceptions
No dog parks
He cant cross outside the house door before permission, say “ok/ ok, go” for permission.
Never repeat a command twice or else he will get used to ignoring you until he has to listen, you can enforce physically (ex: if he doesn't sit, stand in front of him and motion your hand above him face) snapping your fingers also works
Dont give him more than 3-5 high value treats per day, you can break them into smaller pieces. you can use his food as treats, as many as you want
never use his name negatively, only use it to get his attention or positively
Commands to know
recall - ALWAYS give high value treat after. note: you say his name first to get his attention, mini pause and then ‘come here’
Hurry up
when you need him to pee/poop. You can say it multiple times. If you re in a hurry for him to go and he starts playing instead, you can say «  ah ah, hurry up… »
permanent command/ sit-stay , he cant decide to stop. say break or free to relase him
lay-down also a permanant command
to get off stuff
use it to get in car and get on couch..
goes in between your feet
Leave it
if he has something he shouldn't in his mouth or even if he shows interest in something bad.
Drop it
he will release what he has in his mouth, even toys
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How to communicate with him
Column 2
He’s doing something wrong. say it and follow up with what he needs to do instead. ex: he is on the couch and you dont want him to be there, you say ‘no’ then you say ‘off’
When you ask him to do something and he doesn't do it immediately, you say: ‘ah-ah’ and reinforce physically ( ex if he doesn't sit directly)
he did something right, go to him to give a treat
he did something right, he can come to you to you to get a treat
to free him from a command, use it after sit and down
good boy/ good job
praise without treat
Ok/ ok, go
to cross streets/ go throught doors, get in the car...
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Our vet

Hôpital Vétérinaire de L’Est, 8700 Av. Chaumont, Anjou, Quebec H1K 1N6
You give them my number/name so they access his file
514-813-7699 / Rim Berro

In case of allergic reaction to an insect bite, and his face swells up, give him 2 pills of benadryl ( very unlikely)

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