

Dive deep into user data:
Analyse user acquisition channels, user behaviour within the app, and churn rates to identify key growth levers.
Conduct user research (surveys, interviews, usability testing) to understand user needs, pain points and get a better sense of the evolving needs of our users
Partner with data analysts to define and track relevant metrics such as daily active users, session length, feature adoption, and engagement rates.
A/B :
Design and execute A/B tests for key user journeys - onboarding, feature discovery, and premium subscription conversion.
Experiment with copies and quick UI/UX elements, and app functionalities to understand what resonates with users and drives growth.
Analyse test results, identify winning variations, and implement improvements across the app.
Build features that fuel growth:
Collaborate with design and engineering to develop new features based on data and user feedback.
Prioritise features with the highest potential to improve user acquisition, engagement, and retention.
Advocate for user-centricity throughout the development process and keep all features true to the needs of users
Weather Espionage:
Stay current on weather-related trends and user needs in different regions.
Conduct Market Research to identify opportunities for differentiation, innovation, and unique value propositions.
Explore integration possibilities with 3rd Parties, wearables, and smart home devices to enhance user experience and unlock growth potential.

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