
Employees Tab Stories

1. User views the employees tab

When a user enters some role’s employees tab, they shall be presented with a list of cards corresponding to the employees whose role is the viewed role or one of its sub-roles (depending on how the list is filtered—see story 2 below). Each employee card shall include the following information:
The employee’s name.
If the employee has completed assessment*:
The number of skills they possess (at any proficiency level).
The number of transitions* that may match them.
Their current role fit score*.
If the employee hasn’t completed assessment—its current status: either ‘hasn’t started’ or ‘in progress’.
If the employee’s role is a sub-role of the viewed role, an indication that this is the case (see story 15).
* To be implemented as part of a future feature.

2. User filters employees by name

The employees tab shall include a search bar that enables the user to present only employees whose name contains the entire search string (case-insensitive). For example, the search string ‘an’ shall match the names Anne Richards, Risk Christian Elvin, and Ross Martinian, but not the name Mona Nilson. Note that employee names may also include a title. This filter shall apply to titles too. For example, the string ‘MD’ shall match an employee whose name is ‘Jack Smith, MD’.
This filter shall operate in intersection with other filters, namely only employees that satisfy all filters shall be presented.
If filtering yields no results, the user shall be presented with a designated message.

3. User filters employees by skills

The employees tab shall include a filter that enables the user to present only employees that possess one or more selected skills—and all of them—at any proficiency level. The interface shall behave identically to the skills filter in the sub-roles tab (see story 7 above) with respect to typing, selecting and removing skills, and presenting the number of employees expected to be presented upon filtering.
This filter shall operate in intersection with other filters, namely only employees that satisfy all filters shall be presented.
If filtering yields no results, the user shall be presented with the designated message presented in story 2.

4. User filters employees by assessment progression

The employees tab shall include a filter that enables the user to present only employees whose assessment progression status is one or more of the following: hasn’t started, in progress, or completed.
This filter shall operate in intersection with other filters, namely only employees that satisfy all filters shall be presented.
If filtering yields no results, the user shall be presented with the designated message presented in story 2.

5. User filters employees by current role fit

The employees tab shall include a filter that enables the user to select one or more current fit role categories—low, medium, and/or high—and thus present only employees whose current fit role score (which will be implemented as part of a future feature) matches the selected category/ies.
This filter shall operate in intersection with other filters, namely only employees that satisfy all filters shall be presented.
If filtering yields no results, the user shall be presented with the designated message presented in story 2.

6. User filters employees by whether they’re associated with sub-roles

The employees tab shall include a checkbox filter that enables the user to include/exclude employees whose role is a sub-role of the viewed role. Cards of employees associated with sub-role shall include a matching label. By default, this filter shall exclude such employees—the user will need to actively select to include them in order for them to appear.
This filter shall operate in intersection with other filters, namely only employees that satisfy all filters shall be presented.
If filtering yields no results, the user shall be presented with the designated message presented in story 2.

7. User sorts employees

The employees tab shall enable users to sort the presented employees by one of the following criteria:
Employee name (alphabetically). Ascending alphabetically order is the default sort criterion.
Role name (alphabetically)
Current role fit score
Number of skills
Number of transitions
All of these criteria shall be sortable both in an ascending and a descending order.

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