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SEEDS Commons
How it works

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Foundational Layer

I. Becoming a SEEDS Commons DHO

Eligibility Criteria for DHOs

Collective decision making process in place rooted in decentralised governance
Process for issuing its own DHO token in place
Transparent ways of showing how funds are being used
Providing value to the SEEDS Ecosystem on a global level as proposed in the DHO Value Proposition (as opposed to local/regional focus)

Eligibility Proposals voted by SEEDS citizens

Eligibility Proposals are added on the SEEDS Vote section in the current milestone category to be voted by citizens.
The Eligibility Proposals contain the following information:
The Purpose of the DHO
Active members and their roles at the time of the proposal
Designated External Link and Internal Link to participate in SEEDS Commons
Value Proposition to the SEEDS Ecosystem (how is the DHO contributing to SEEDS)
SEEDS priorities/focus areas addressed through the Value Proposition
Details on how the DHO meets the Eligibility Criteria defined at point A. above

Voting mechanism: 33% quorum (33% of the total no. of citizens voted), 90% - unity.

II. SEEDS Commons Membership

Each Eligible DHO has two representatives in SEEDS Commons, an External Link and an Internal Link, which become Members of SEEDS Commons. These two representatives are chosen by each DHO using their own governance processes.
The External Link represents the interests of the SEEDS Commons in the Eligible DHO. Internal Link represents the interest of the Eligible DHO in SEEDS Commons.
DHOs can be voted out of the eligibility status anytime by citizens through a proposal in the Milestone category of the Vote section.
After 3 lunar cycles without being in an Active Commons Proposal, representatives of Eligible DHOs are no longer acting as members of SEEDS Commons.
A process will be established by the SEEDS Commons so any citizen can apply for a special membership in SEEDS Commons where they can propose changes to the governance structure. Although they can propose changes, they cannot raise objections.
External Links, Internal Links and all other SEEDS Commons members are reelected every 3 lunar cycles.
One single criteria for being a member in SEEDS Commons: being a citizen for 3+ lunar cycles.

III. A DHO in the context of SEEDS Commons

A DHO is a group of humans choosing to work together to express a clearly-stated evolutionary purpose. This organism has a defined membrane translated through a clear boundary between itself and the world.
It also uses collective decision-making processes rooted in decentralized governance.
DHO’s operate through a decentralized organizational structure (examples: circles, roles, etc…)
A DHO’s operations can be either on chain or off chain (DHO software, spreadsheets, notion,...)
The DHO Token is the expression of value flow created within the DHO.
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