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九日 版本更新 / Nine Sols Patch Notes

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2024/06/06 [8b85b08e]



修正 SteamDeck 預設解析度抓取錯誤的問題。
修正剛開遊戲赤燭Logo 顯示時 FPS會飆升到破千的問題。
微調電梯UI在英文下的字元間距(Character Spacing)。
天綱步衛 - 角端 道具掉落到橋下無法拾取的問題(舊存檔過去看他應該就會跑上來)。

Patch Note


Corrected the issue with default resolution detection on Steam Deck.
Adjusted the font size of certain UI elements on Steam Deck to appear larger.
Resolved the problem where the FPS would spike to over a thousand when the Red Candle logo is displayed at the start of the game.
Fixed the issue where Dao Fruits couldn't be picked up after Jiequan was killed and floated in mid-air (he should now fall to the ground when loading old saves).
Resolved the issue in Peach Blossom Village where the protagonist's soul would disappear and couldn't be retrieved when both the player and the enemy died simultaneously.
Fixed the issue where the Shanhai 9000 disappeared in the Factory (Production Area).
Corrected the elevator mechanism to load the Soul Reaper Jade in Lake Yaochi Ruins (it should now be possible to pick it up when loading old saves).
Adjusted the character spacing of the elevator UI in English.
Corrected the issue where spikes on Tianhuo mutants would still cause damage after their death.
Adjusted the fog of war in some map areas.
Fixed the issue where the item dropped by Celestial Sentinel: Jiaoduan would fall under the bridge and become unpickable (it should now be possible to pick it up when loading old saves).
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