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REA Editorial Board Survey
REA Editorial Board Survey

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These were Lakisha’s instructions for creating this form:
I have been speaking with some of the steering committee and we would like to send a questionnaire to our Editorial Board. I am guessing you would use airtable or something else? We would ask that you all create it (we are thinking of making this a bi-annual thing so we would want it somewhere it could be used again) and I will send all the emails out.
We want it quick and to the point so we can assess how things currently are. Here are the questions we are thinking of:
1. In the last year how often have you met as an editorial board with the REA editorial team? Answers: Never, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly
2. In the last year how often have you received communications or updates about things happening related to REA Publications (REA Journal & Horizons Book Series)? Answers: Never, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly
3. In the last year how often have you been consulted about your thoughts, concerns, or approvals about REA publications (REA Journal & Horizons Book Series)? Answers: Never, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly
4. What are your overall thoughts or feelings about your position as a member of the REA editorial board? Answers: I didn't realize I was on it, I would like more communication, It has been great
5. Any other comments or things you would like for us to know about your role on the REA Editorial Board. Answer: Open comment for them to write
With these short 5 questions, what do you think the best method is? Thank you so much for all your help.
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