
Product Manager Challenge

Hello! 😊
Thank you for applying for the Product Manager position with us. Please complete this mini-project within 4 days of receiving this document.
Please allocate sufficient time to complete the project to the best of your ability. We recommend working on it during the weekend to allow more time for the challenge. If you have any questions or need clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to help.
In this mini-project, you are challenged to:
Solve the real problem by using research findings when validating initial hypotheses.
Define the requirements for UI/UX designer and developer so they can understand clearly about the objective, the outcomes, scopes, and all requirements of solution you proposed.
The responsibilities that must be done as a Product Manager are as follows:
Understanding the main user needs, objectives, proactively propose innovative solutions, and embody a transcendent purpose that drives a positive impact on users.
Conduct comprehensive research on user needs, stakeholder gaps, industry trends, competition analysis, and product analysis to inform product strategy and support the product’s development and evolution.
Define and prioritize product requirements, user stories, and acceptance criteria for solutions, using a human-centered, designer-centered, and developer-centered approach.
Act as a Great Problem Solver & Critical Thinker

Our acceptance criteria for this mini project:

Strong initiative to research and gather data to support your needs, refer to responsibility no 2.
Balancing user experience with business purposes considering any trade off.
Write product documentation following our template here →

Your challenge start from here!

The challenge revolves around developing a hiring platform that streamlines the recruitment process and reduces the time and costs associated with finding and evaluating high qualified candidates.
To guide your research and solution development, we have provided initial hypotheses:
Businesses face challenges in finding and evaluating candidates, and there is a need for a platform that can streamline the hiring process and reduce the time needed to recruit high qualified candidates.
Current hiring tools and technologies are not meeting the needs of businesses, and there is an opportunity to create a better solution.
Businesses would be interested in using a platform that saves time and reduces costs associated with hiring.
To validate these hypotheses and craft your solution, we recommend conducting research, including desk research. You should identify the target audience, problem space, and conduct a competitive analysis.
Once you have a good understanding of the market and user needs, craft a solution that solves the problem space. You can use this PRD template to document your solution: (or use another template if you prefer).
Please provide product documentation that includes the minimum information stated in our template: . Kindly ensure that you have granted us access to the document so that we can review it promptly.

Tips for Completing the Mini-Project:

After developing your solution, we recommend conducting a simple ritual called "Read and Rewrite". This ritual involves evaluating your solution and making any necessary adjustments to ensure that it meets the requirements and solves the real problems presented in the challenge.
To ensure that your solution is effective, we recommend creating a checklist that includes the following questions:
Do you believe that your solution will solve the real problem?
Are you excited to deliver your solution to users?
Is your solution simple enough to be translated into a digital product with a simple user experience but solving complex problems?
Are you prepared to admit when your solution is not working? Do you have a plan and data extracted from your current solution to do the next iteration?
Have you mapped the opportunities and weaknesses before jumping into your solution? What are the trade-offs when crafting your solution?
We recommend allocating sufficient time to complete the project to the best of your ability. Please submit your completed project by the deadline stated in the instructions you received in the email. If you have any questions or need clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this mini-project. We appreciate the effort you have put into developing your solution and look forward to reviewing it. We wish you the best of luck and hope that you find this challenge both enjoyable and informative. 🔥 😊
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