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Player Guides

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Monthly Challenge

New Opportunity:
@Tokyo Jidohanbaiki
@Dawn of Ulos
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@Cthulhu: Death May Die
Reaching Decision Point:
@Underwater Cities
@Roll Player
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@Mini Rogue
Forgotten Gem:
@Under Falling Skies
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Quick Description

This is what you would say to your friend to start off the teach. Just one or two sentences. Keep it short and try to make it enticing. These first two items should not be collapsible.

Things to Know/Terminology

Terms can be in red so they can be highlighted in the rules.
Anything that would be quick to remember/know at that start.
Ideally down the road you could use this section as the quickest reference

Game Setup

How to set up the game.
What Players need for setup.

Player Turn

What do turns look like
What actions can you take (can be another section if it’s complex)
What do rounds look like
What’s the game loop

End Game and Scoring

How does the game end
Any final rounds
Who wins?


Solo Setup

What changes are needed in the setup?

Solo Gameplay

How does the game differ now
What’s the solo loop

End Game and Scoring

What triggers the end game (if different)
How is scoring different?

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