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Finance Handbook Style guide

As this document has several authors it's important that we take a consistent approach
To get the best results in needs to be in line with our wider branding
We occasionally use emojis in headings in Quantico docs, but we don't really expect it to be relevant or helpful in this one
Image headers are optional. If you use an image we can have NO calculators, suits, abacuses or anything of that nature. Prefer Quantico images over stock images where available.
We will add authors at the top because we think it helps from a marketing view, but they don't have to be functionally correct, everyone should feel they can edit at any time - Change to Quantico as Author
Our brand persona is 'knowledgeable friend' - avoid unnecessary jargon, humour may be used sparingly, mirror spoken word as much as appropriate (ie use "don't" rather than "do not")
Use full sentences and full stops except in bullet points
All text must be from finance team perspective, not Quantico perspective. We should not include internal policies and resources only relevant to consultancies
Keep posts as brief and concise as possible - is a good stylistic example
Tables - first column purple fill and white bold text
There can be no unfinished pages in the doc - keep them in until they are ready to be added. Pages in draft are hidden until they need to be published.
There is no need to re-write content already existing online, better just to link to it if we have nothing to improve. We cannot copy and paste text from elsewhere.
Where we talk about providers, Quantico should always be mentioned
The comparison between Quantico and other firms should be objective and rationale. We won't use humour to address the perceived awkwardness.
It's OK to refer to 'we' or 'Quantico' when talking about our assessment of the available tools
Tone Of Voice -inc examples

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