Provide audit & accounting services, old school and a bit technically challenged, but diligent
Asjid Hayat, FinOps Forum member, started own accountancy firm
Dorchester based but with some London clients. Have had them prepare accounts and CT tax with appropriate diligence and was impressed when audited by them with the level of knowledge for a small firm
I worked with them for 5 years at Lovecrafts and they were kind and helpful and not over priced. Good for compliance and VAT in particular (Sophie C)
Scotland based CA company, worked with them on messy accounts, good team, used to start ups. Can also do R&D claim if it’s not too complex
I worked with Tasnim in audit and he set up his own accounting firm aimed at Tech startups a long time ago before others jumped on the bandwagon. I’d trust him for good tax, VAT and R&D advice. He works specifically with London Tech companies (Sophie C)
Very small firm set up by two guys from Big 4 looking to build a new ‘digital accounting firm’ focusing on bookkeeping and stat returns
Prev Jeffreys Henry, approached dan (Joseph Brewer)
approached dan
Specialist EIS/ SEIS and tax only. London-based boutique firm for small business tax. Ex-PwC