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Market, Competitor And Trends Research Recipe

Purpose 🥅

The purpose of this task is to:
To know what kind of content is being created on Instagram and Facebook
To understand our audience better by doing detailed market research
To observe what our brand’s competitors our doing
To distill all of these observations in a single irresistible offer to be used in our creatives

Steps 👞

Open a notebook or a digital draft to write down observations throughout the process
Below are the things we are trying to observe
Any headlines that grab your attention
Words that grab your attention
Visuals that grab your attention
What do people want
What problems are people really struggling with
What products have people tried and what do they hate about them
Any ideas that come to mind while doing this research
Start with trends research
Start your day here spend at least 15-20 minutes in the reels section of your Instagram account, shorts section of youtube and your regular feed for to observe statics
You are not just looking for ads but for all the content that is performing well on the platform
Remember ads are just content and you want to create content that is best suited for the platform
Don’t just watch content analyse it look at how the hooks are used, what is the promise of a pay off, when is the promise delivered, etc.
Update trends bank
Go to the trends sheet
Update top content that you think would be valuable to refer to in the future
Do market research
Do competitor research
Create or update irresistible offer

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