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Creative Briefs Recipe


The purpose of this task is to:
Define what you need from an ad creative
Communicate the same requirement to the video creator


Click on the creative brief template and fill it
Don’t go into a lot of detail keep the brief as tight as possible
Ensure to communicate the objective of the ad eg. increasing hook rate or replacing a top spender
The 2 line brief should communicate the whole structure properly
When giving references ensure that the creator understands the style ,setup and substance of the ad clearly
Share the brief
Change the stage of the ad to “ To Script”
Explain the brief
Get on a call with the creator and explain the brief in as much detail as possible try and paint a picture in their head
If needed watch the references together
Give the creator enough time to ask questions
Mention any past revisions or other technicalities your want them to avoid
Come back to the brief when giving revisions
When giving feedback on the creative refer to only 2 documents the brief and the SOP
Help the creator understand the difference between what you had written and what they have actually shot
Doing this repeatedly will bridge the communication gap between the both of you and help them understand how to read and understand briefs better
This should also help them understand how to ask the right questions and you to understand the gaps in understanding you need to fill for the creator






Output: Creative Brief


Good Examples:


Bad Examples:

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