Chapter 5 (Art. 51 – 60) Classification and conformity assessment

Article 55 – Mechanism for scrutiny of conformity assessments of certain class III and class IIb devices

A notified body shall notify the competent authorities of certificates it has granted to devices for which the conformity assessment has been performed pursuant to . Such notification shall take place through the electronic system referred to in and shall include the summary of safety and clinical performance pursuant to , the assessment report by the notified body, the instructions for use referred to in Section 23.4 of , and, where applicable, the scientific opinion of the expert panels referred to in Section 5.1 of or Section 6 of , as applicable. In the case of divergent views between the notified body and the expert panels, a full justifi? cation shall also be included.
A competent authority and, where applicable, the Commission may, based on reasonable concerns apply further procedures in accordance with ,
and, where deemed necessary, take appropriate measures in accordance with and
The MDCG and, where applicable, the Commission, may, based on reasonable concerns, request scientific advice from the expert panels in relation to the safety and performance of any device.

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