
API Dog: Best Postman Alternatives for API Testing (And Other 20 Alternatives)

We curated a list for the Best, Open Source, Self-hosted Alternatives to Postman
Postman has been the go-to tool for API development, testing, and documentation for many years. However, with recent changes to their pricing model and the growing landscape of API tools, many developers are seeking alternatives that better suit their needs. In this article, we'll explore the top 20 Postman alternatives for API testing, including open-source options, and discuss whether Postman is still the best API tool available.

1. APIDog

APIDog is a powerful API testing and documentation tool that offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features. Some of its key features include:
Support for multiple API protocols, including REST, GraphQL, and WebSocket
Built-in API designer for creating and editing API specifications
Real-time collaboration, allowing teams to work together on API projects seamlessly
Automated testing and continuous integration with over 20 popular CI/CD tools
Comprehensive API documentation generator with customizable templates
Mock server for simulating API responses and testing edge cases
Detailed performance metrics and analytics for monitoring API health
Integrations with over 30 third-party tools and services, such as Slack, Jira, and GitHub
According to a recent survey, APIDog has been adopted by over 100,000 developers and 5,000 companies worldwide, making it one of the fastest-growing API testing tools in the market.
You can learn more about APIDog and sign up for a free trial at .

2. Insomnia

Insomnia is a popular open-source API client that offers a clean and intuitive interface for testing and debugging APIs. It supports multiple API protocols and provides a powerful templating system for creating reusable requests. Insomnia also offers a plugin architecture, allowing developers to extend its functionality.

3. Hoppscotch

Hoppscotch is a lightweight, open-source API testing tool that runs entirely in the browser. It offers a minimalistic interface and supports a wide range of API protocols, including GraphQL and WebSocket. Hoppscotch also provides a built-in API documentation generator and the ability to share API requests via URL.

4. Paw

Paw is a powerful API testing tool for Mac users, offering a native interface and advanced features such as code generation and automated testing. It supports multiple API protocols and provides a visual editor for creating and editing API requests. Paw also offers a built-in API documentation generator and the ability to sync API projects across devices.

5. SoapUI

SoapUI is a popular open-source API testing tool that supports both REST and SOAP APIs. It offers a wide range of features, including automated testing, load testing, and API mocking. SoapUI also provides a built-in API documentation generator and the ability to integrate with popular CI/CD tools.

6. Postwoman

Postwoman is a web-based API testing tool that offers a simple and intuitive interface for testing APIs. It supports multiple API protocols and provides a built-in API documentation generator. Postwoman also offers the ability to share API requests via URL and import/export API collections.

7. HTTPie

HTTPie is a command-line HTTP client that offers a simple and intuitive interface for testing APIs. It supports multiple API protocols and provides a powerful templating system for creating reusable requests. HTTPie also offers the ability to integrate with popular scripting languages such as Python and JavaScript.

8. Swagger UI

Swagger UI is an open-source API documentation tool that allows developers to visualize and interact with API specifications. It supports the OpenAPI specification and provides a user-friendly interface for testing API endpoints. Swagger UI also offers the ability to generate client SDKs and server stubs from API specifications.

9. Postman Alternative

Postman Alternative is a web-based API testing tool that offers a simple and intuitive interface for testing APIs. It supports multiple API protocols and provides a built-in API documentation generator. Postman Alternative also offers the ability to share API requests via URL and import/export API collections.

10. REST-assured

REST-assured is a Java-based API testing tool that offers a fluent and expressive API for testing RESTful APIs. It supports multiple API protocols and provides a powerful assertion framework for validating API responses. REST-assured also offers the ability to integrate with popular testing frameworks such as JUnit and TestNG.

11. Karate

Karate is an open-source API testing tool that offers a simple and expressive DSL for testing APIs. It supports multiple API protocols and provides a powerful assertion framework for validating API responses. Karate also offers the ability to generate API documentation and integrate with popular CI/CD tools.

12. Assertible

Assertible is a web-based API testing tool that offers automated testing and monitoring for APIs. It supports multiple API protocols and provides a user-friendly interface for creating and managing API tests. Assertible also offers the ability to integrate with popular CI/CD tools and receive alerts when API tests fail.

13. Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio is an all-in-one test automation tool that offers API testing capabilities. It supports multiple API protocols and provides a user-friendly interface for creating and managing API tests. Katalon Studio also offers the ability to integrate with popular CI/CD tools and generate comprehensive test reports.

14. Apigee

Apigee is a comprehensive API management platform that offers API testing and monitoring capabilities. It supports multiple API protocols and provides a user-friendly interface for creating and managing API tests. Apigee also offers advanced features such as API analytics and monetization.

15. Tricentis Tosca

Tricentis Tosca is an end-to-end test automation tool that offers API testing capabilities. It supports multiple API protocols and provides a user-friendly interface for creating and managing API tests. Tricentis Tosca also offers advanced features such as risk-based testing and AI-powered test case design.

16. Unirest

Unirest is a lightweight HTTP client library that offers a simple and intuitive API for making HTTP requests. It supports multiple programming languages and provides a fluent interface for building and sending API requests. Unirest also offers the ability to handle authentication and request/response serialization.

17. Fiddler

Fiddler is a web debugging proxy that offers API testing capabilities. It allows developers to inspect and modify HTTP traffic between their applications and the internet. Fiddler also offers the ability to create and execute API tests and automate repetitive testing tasks.

18. Airborne

Airborne is a Ruby-based API testing framework that offers a simple and expressive DSL for testing APIs. It supports multiple API protocols and provides a powerful assertion framework for validating API responses. Airborne also offers the ability to integrate with popular testing frameworks such as RSpec and Minitest.

19. Frisby.js

Frisby.js is a JavaScript-based API testing framework that offers a fluent and expressive API for testing RESTful APIs. It supports multiple assertion libraries and provides a powerful mocking system for simulating API responses. Frisby.js also offers the ability to integrate with popular testing frameworks such as Jasmine and Mocha.

20. REST Console

REST Console is a web-based API testing tool that offers a simple and intuitive interface for testing RESTful APIs. It provides a user-friendly interface for creating and managing API requests and supports multiple authentication methods. REST Console also offers the ability to save and share API requests.

Is there anything better than Postman?

While Postman is a popular and feature-rich API testing tool, there are many alternatives available that may better suit your specific needs. Tools like APIDog, Insomnia, and Paw offer unique features and workflows that can streamline your API testing process.

How to do API testing without Postman?

There are many ways to perform API testing without using Postman. Open-source tools like Hoppscotch, HTTPie, and Swagger UI provide powerful testing capabilities and can be used entirely within your browser. Additionally, many programming languages have built-in libraries or frameworks for testing APIs, such as REST-assured for Java and Frisby.js for JavaScript.

Is Postman the best API tool?

While Postman is a popular and feature-rich API testing tool, it may not be the best choice for everyone. The recent changes to its pricing model have made it less accessible for some teams, and its complex interface can be overwhelming for beginners. Ultimately, the best API tool for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

What is the open source equivalent of Postman?

There are several open-source alternatives to Postman that offer similar functionality. Insomnia, Hoppscotch, and Postwoman are all popular choices that provide a user-friendly interface for testing APIs. SoapUI and Karate are also powerful open-source tools that offer advanced testing capabilities.In conclusion, while Postman remains a popular choice for API testing, there are many alternatives available that offer unique features and workflows. Whether you prefer a simple and intuitive interface or advanced testing capabilities, there is likely a tool on this list that will meet your needs. By exploring these alternatives and finding the one that best fits your workflow, you can streamline your API testing process and ensure the quality of your APIs.
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