
Hi, I’m Philip.

I’m a junior at UCLA studying Linguistics & Computer Science, hoping to land a software engineering internship, particularly in fullstack development. I recently finished an introductory course to HTML and CSS and am now learning fullstack development from the University of Helsinki. Furthermore, on January 2023 I will begin a Python bootcamp from MIT and hope to become a versatile programmer as I begin taking more computer science courses next quarter.


Ember Lab, Orange CA

Part Time Office Associate
Arranged various merchandise sets for release of new game ‘Kena’
Kept track of 600+ customer sales receipts/credit card purchases and charges on QuickBooks
Functioned as assistant customer support by replying to emails regarding minor game issues

Silicontwo USA, Cerritos, CA

Part Time Warehouse Associate
Inspected outgoing shipments to verify accuracy and prevent order errors
Monitored and recorded inventory levels
Prepared 300+ orders for shipment by picking, packing, and labeling cosmetics


BA in Linguistics & Computer Science
University of California Los Angeles

AA in Economics
Fullerton Community College
Basic coding & scripting
JavaScript(advanced beginner)
Python(advanced beginner)
Java(advanced beginner)


Teamwork, Initiative, Time Management
During COVID, I managed and led a group of 6 for a final accounting group project requiring an analysis and comparison of SEC filing reports. I initiated introductions by making a group chat and scheduling the first meeting. I consistently scheduled meetings that worked around everyone’s needs despite difficulty of communication in an online setting and equally assigned tasks to be finished before each meeting. I made sure to be a team player by not just hearing but listening to group members’ suggestions about tackling problems and implemented them. Ultimately, my group completed the project 1 month before the deadline allowing us to make revisions and we received a perfect score with over 26 pages of analyses.

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