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Historic Cinema Reopens
November 10 - After years of disuse, the historic Croton Theater in Hollywood will reopen as the new location of the Metropolitan Film Society's repertory cinema.
The Croton is one of the most architecturally significant cinemas in the country, according to society president Molly Harris.
Built in 1925, it features a facade designed in the Art Deco style and an interior with ornate carvings and a 10-meter-high ceiling.
Since purchasing the building two years ago, the society has embarked on extensive renovations
"We have restored the building to its former grandeur, " said Harris.
"But we have also modernized it, from the plumbing all the way to the digital projectors. "
According to Harris, the society is moving because its original site on Vine Street was no longer large enough.
"Our audience sizes have increased in recent years, and the Croton will allow us to screen classics and important new films in the setting they deserve. "
The Society's administrative offices have already moved to the new location,
and its cinema schedule resumes on Saturday, December 3, with a selection of films by Jack Dodge, director of such classic westerns as A Calico Wedding Dress and Slow Train to Tucson.
For Harris, the choice of Dodge was crucial for the reopening.
"When he moved to Hollywood as a young man, his first job was as a projectionist at this very cinema.
Years later he premiered what is now his best-known film, Dust on the Horizon, here.
He even ran the projector for old times' sake.
Few people have heard of his connection to the Croton, but I think of it every time I step inside the building. "
The Metropolitan Film Society presents
a career-spanning retrospective of master of the classical western
Jack Dodge and the America West
Decemter 3-10
15 Sunset Blvd. Between Fountain Ave and Melrose Ave.

191 (750+)
What is indicated about the Croton Theater?
A. It was designed by Molly Harris. (sai vì Molly Harris là society president)
B. Films have not been shown there for a number of years.
C. It is well-known for its association with Jack Dodge. (loại vì thông tin mơ hồ)
D. The Society held a fund drive to cover renovation costs. (loại vì thông tin khó kiếm)
192 (750+)
What is suggested about the society's location on Vine Street?
A. It is smaller than the Croton Theater.
B. It will continue to house the Society's offices.
C. It is not designed in the Art Deco style.
D. It is not as technologically up-to-date as the Croton.
193 (650+)
In the article, the word "very" is closet meaning to
A. right (→ right answer ~ câu trả lời chính xác)
B. extreme (→ extreme condition ~ điều kiện khắc nghiệt)
C. exact (→ exact place ~ đúng nơi → cinema ~ rạp phim → a place ~ một nơi nào đó → at this very/exact cinema ~ ở đúng cái rạp phim này)
D. complete (→ complete list ~ bản kể khai hoàn chỉnh)
194 (850+)
When is it possible to see Jack Dodge's most famous work? (most famous work ~ sản phẩm nổi tiếng nhất)
A. On December 4
B. On December 6 (A Calico Wedding Dress)
C. On December 9 (Slow Train to Tucson)
D. On December 10 (Dust on the Horizon)
195 (550+)
What film will be shown only two times?
A. The Indomitable
B. Fort Washita
C. Broken-Down Wagon
D. Dust on the Horizon

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