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(homework) Speaking Part 1

Who do you live with?
Phân tích câu hỏi
Từ khóa
who / live with
live with / who
Câu hỏi (Việt)
bạn ở với ai
Tạo câu trả lời
Từ khóa
Small family (5 ~ 4 + me) + older sister (married 5 years ago) → living with 3 members + younger sister (going oversea next year) → quieter house
Trả lời (Việt)

Trả lời (Anh)

Tố Quyên

I lived with my parent in my hometown until I was 18 years old. During that period, I almost focused on my study in school and sometimes I did household chores to help my mother. I feel that my childhood is the most peaceful and happy.
Since I started to learn at my university in HCM city, I have stayed with my friends who I met at class or social activities. Our life is also funny though rarely we had some arguments. Furthermore, thanks to the far distance to my family, I become more and more independent in every aspect. Example, I am able to take care of myself as well as earn for living.
I had lived with my parents in our hometown, which is far from here, until I was 18 years old. During that period, I mostly focused on the study in school but sometimes I also did household chores to help my mother. I feel that Childhood is the most peaceful and happiest period of my life.
Since I began learning at an university in HCM city, I have stayed with my friends who I either met in classes or during social activities. Apparently, we are having a great time together even though occasional arguments are unavoidable. As a result of being far away from my family, I have gradually become more and more independent in many aspects. For example, by having a part-time job, I am now able to take care of myself financially.

Trúc Ly

I used to live with my parents and my younger sister before studying at university. My home was so far from Ho Chi Minh city so it was too difficult for me to study here. Therefore, I am living with my relatives at the moment. We are staying in a flat, which is located in district 7. Although my place is not near from my university, I am really happy and enjoy living with them. During the time living here, in spite of little difficulty, I have overcome and improved myself significantly
I used to live with my parents and my younger sister before studying at university.
My home was so far from Ho Chi Minh city so it was too difficult for me to study here.
Therefore, I am living with my relatives at the moment.
We are staying in a flat, which is located in district 7.
Although my place is not near from my university, I am really happy and enjoy living with them.
During the time living here, in spite of little difficulty, I have overcome and improved myself significantly
Before studying at university, I used to live with my parents and younger sister.
Because my school is here, in Ho Chi Minh city - which is very far from the home, it was diffifult for me to study without moving to a new place.
(+4) Therefore, currently, I am living with my relatives in the city since they have flat in district 7.
ghép với câu 3
Apparently, I feel happy and enjoyable to live with them even though sometimes I also miss my family.
Being away from home for a long time was somewhat difficult at first but once I overcame the challenges, I have seen myself improved significantly.

Anh Tuấn

When I was in university, I have my best friends who is classmate. We had lived together since our sophomore until we graduted. Before, there were 5 people living together, but now it's just me and one person. Therefore we are like brothers in family. Maybe, I will live alone when he will married.
When I was in university, I have my best friends who is classmate.
We had lived together since our sophomore until we graduted.
Before, there were 5 people living together, but now it's just me and one person.
Therefore we are like brothers in family.
Maybe, I will live alone when he will married.

When I was in university, I had a few good friends who were also my classmates.
Mốc thời gian đã được nhắc đến ở đoạn 1, suy ra câu này là không cần thiết
At that time, there were 5 people living together, but now it’s just me and another person.
Ý này thiếu “support” → Because two of us spend lots of time together everyday, we are like brothers in a family.
In the future, he will get married so I will live alone, which is very sad to think about.

Phi Long

1. You know, as a student study in HCM city where is far from home so I lived in an apartment with my friends. Although we are new friends, but we get along very well. I think that will give me some experience about the life without family.
2. Because the place I study is far from home so I have rent a flat to live that suitable. While I was in high school, my close friend and I planned to live together. But our schools were far apart from each other. Therefor I had to live with new friends and now I have adapted with my new life.
You know, as a student study in HCM city where is far from home so I lived in an apartment with my friends.
Although we are new friends, but we get along very well.
I think that will give me some experience about the life without family.

You know, as a student stuyding in HCM city, which is far from my home, I have to live in an apartment with some of my friends.
Although we new to each other, we get along very well.
I think that life without family will give me some interesting and useful experiences.
Because the place I study is far from home so I have rent a flat to live that suitable.
While I was in high school, my close friend and I planned to live together.
But our schools were far apart from each other.
Therefor I had to live with new friends and now I have adapted with my new life.
Because the place I study is far from home so I have rented a suitable flat to live in.
Actually, I wanted to stay with my closest friend but sadly our schools are very far apart.
Therefore, I am living with some of my new friends which takes me time to get used to.
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