Kotlin is a modern statically typed programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and is completely interoperable with the Java programming language
Android Studio provides full support for Kotlin, enabling developers to add Kotlin files to their existing project and convert Java language code to Kotlin
Developers can then use all of Android Studio's existing tools with their Kotlin code, including autocomplete, lint checking, refactoring, debugging, and more
To get started with developing Android apps using Kotlin, developers can follow the official Android Developer documentation, which provides a step-by-step guide on how to build and run their first Android app in Kotlin
// Implement action for undoing the email send operation
Step 5: Testing the Application
Run the application on an emulator or an Android device.
Click on the FAB to display the Snackbar with the "Email sent" message and "Undo" action.
In this lab workbook, you learned how to implement the Floating Action Button and Snackbar components in an Android Kotlin application following the Material Design guidelines [1].
By mastering these components, you will be able to create more interactive and user-friendly applications. Remember to explore other Material Design components and features to further enhance your app development skills.