
W24 IN3084 Build Your Own Router Project

Building the Future by building your Career, and your own Router!

Having to explain what you are doing, and describe it with digital media, causes you to think about and understand it at a deeper level.

How to make the Screencast Explainer and Marketing Video for your PYTHON ROUTER PRODUCT:

So the key elements of making your video are as follows, it's pretty simple, you turn on Camtasia to record a screencast using the record button. Then you and your teammates, and I need to see FaceTime from every teammate in the video, you will your teammates go through your Lytec document as well as whatever showing on your screen will show on the video so fire up your Python router, take you through some of its use cases and then just talk and explain what you're doing. So let's make an example of how to do that.

Step 1: Start Camtasia.
Save the project <often>
Record: Your Screen, Camera, and Mic are being Recorded.
Make a Screen Cast: Show your Latex document, Website, and Python Product Operation: and talk and explain how they work.
Use Camtasia features to add some visual snap.
Upload to Youtube : and Include the YouTube LINK in:
Google Sites Website
Latex Document.

This is your Instruction Video on how to make the Video: In this video starting at the 9:00 minute mark:

How to download Camtasia Video Editting suite:


How to make the Google Site as the marketing site for your Product:

Content for your Google Sites

To post your Latex PDF: Upload it to Google Drive → import into Google Sites.

LINK to our MINDMAP Product Ideation Brain Storming Plan:

Text book on Cisco Routers:



LINK to Peter’s Latex-organizing Google Sheet:

Access the Instructor’s Latex Document:

To create your own Python-based router on a Linux Docker image, you can follow these steps based on the information from the provided sources:

1. **Design and Implement the Router**: - Design your router using Docker and Linux for home or small office environments[4]. - Use Docker and Linux to create a modular router setup that can be customized to suit your specific needs[4].
2. **Configuration Setup**: - Create a configuration file (config.json) and run the setup script ( to generate various setting files automatically[4]. - Build the Docker image after the configuration files are generated using the docker-compose build command[4].
3. **Network Configuration**: - Configure network components like unbound, fluentd, and others in the docker-compose.yml file to define the composition of Docker images and their functionalities[4]. - Start up all components by running docker-compose commands and ensure that logging is properly set up for monitoring purposes[4].
4. **Testing and Monitoring**: - Verify that the router setup is working by monitoring traffic and system performance using tools like Mackerel for visualization[4]. - Check CPU usage, memory consumption, and network traffic to ensure that the router is functioning as expected in your simulated environment[4].
By following these steps, you can create your own Python-based router on a Linux Docker image for testing and development purposes in a home or small office setting[4].
Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Final Deliverables of this Course Project

Present your Python Code in a GitHub Repository, which we will now learn to setup:

Go to
sign up for an Account
Create a Repository for your Cisco Router Code
Write PYTHON : store it in your Repository

Make a Router:
with PYTHON PROGRAMMING - using the Networking modules of PYTHON
Final Presentation:
→ A Docker Image of LINUX OS configured to work with the PYTHON Code to simulate the Operations of a ROUTER
: Latex Presentation Document with Research Questions to teach you what a Router is an how it works, so you will understand what you need to do to make a ROUTER
: PYTHON Program which delivers the Router Functions
: Camtasia Video to show and teach other people what you did and how to re-create making the Router you make

Deliverable for March 8 Lab:
Make a TEXT file
into this text file / Put the EDIT link to your Latex Project Document
Name this file as StudentName_StudentID.txt
Upload this file to:

W24 IN3084 Lab 2 FRI Session March 8

W24 IN3084 G13 Project THU Session

Next work steps:

Now we are building up our Latex Project Document go the mind map:

Make chapters for each topic / plus more that you think of by yourself




Link to Instructor’s Mind Map:

Link to Instructor’s Latex Document on

Learning Outcomes: Setting up the Product Delivery Plan

Your Project is a PRODUCT: A Python Router.
Your Project is to deliver and market your Project.
This is one reason why your final Project Deliverable will include a Marketing Website and Video.

Teach you how to do the project.
Learn how to work a Product Development Methodology: Our product being our Python Coded Router running on a LINUX VMWare Image.
The requirements for this Lab are:
Your account and Latex Project Presentation Document are set up and registered with the Instructor.

Now that you have your account setup

You have created an Overleaf Project to contain your Latex Project Presentation Document -
The next steps are as follows:
We need to JAD Joint application development brainstorming Ideation for our Project
Collect Product Requirements.

We will now start the process of building your Project Latex Presentation Document.
We will use MindManager to ideate and brainstorm the elements that will appear in your Latex Document. (And we will also learn how to use Latex.).

Hand-ins for the Project: {Which we will deliver in little Sprints during our Weekly In Class Lab Activities}
Hand in delivery Mechanism is going to via your TRELLO Board.
You can work in Teams of up to 4 members.

Each team will present:

Python Program Code - running on a LINUX VMWare Image - to provide the functions of a Router.
Presentation Report delivered in Latex. Use as the editor to do your Latex Document. You will write a book in Latex teaching people how to build a Python Router in Linux. You will also make a YouTube Host a video teaching people what you did.
You will post your Project Report and Video on your LinkedIN Blog.
Last couple of weeks: Individual Team presentation to the Instructor:
You will present and answer questions about your Latex Presentation Report.
You will demonstrate the operation of your Python Coded Router running on the LINUX image.

Work Steps:

March 6 lab:
Done: Work Step A: Let’s learn how to use Latex on
Once you get your Overleaf Latex Document Setup:
You will post the LINK to it in your Trello Board.
Work Step B: Let’s put the paint on the Canvas and start designing our Product!

Register your teams:
Make a TEXT file (1 per team) {only text files!!}
Name that text file as: teamname.txt
Into that text file:
Put Team members’ names, Student IDS,

Put the Edit LINK to your TRELLO Board

Save and close this text file.
Upload that file to

Brainstorming / JAD Joint Application Development Session Demonstrated using MindManager
(In a upcoming class, you will download the 30 day trial of MindManager to do application development with your team)
Here is a LINK to the Instructor’s MindManager brainstorming document:

How to properly do Prompt Engineering:

Context: I am making a CISCO router simulation using Python on a LINUX VMWare image. I need to provide an extensive presentation on the fundementals of TCP IP networking and PYTHON Programming for TCP IP Networking. Also how do Cisco routers do routing. I must detail the operation of TCP frames and Internet Protocol mechanics.
What I want you to do: Please write a chapter on What is tcp ip and how does it work.
WHY: I want a chapter which will clearly and simply teach my new learner students how to make a ROUTER using PYTHON on a VMWare Image.
Format of output answer: Please output into latex tagged and coded format.

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.