
W23 MAD5274 Class Organization Notebook

Last edited 491 days ago by Peter Sigurdson
What will your Marketing Plan Hand In submission look like:
The Product’s Ideal Users // User Stories
Cohort Analysis
App Store Search Optimization
Build your Marketing Plan:
Go to Market Channels
You have already given me:
Project Planning LATEX Document and OVERLEAF Board
b. From the text file you uploaded: I have the URLS for Overleaf and Trello
You will build up your Latex and Overleafand I will go mark it - You do not need to do a separate Hand In
Also for MS 1: You will make a WEB SITE: GOOGLE SITES - This is the Center of your Marketing Collatoral

Milestone 2: The Technology Plan
Designing your Components and Data Flow with UML

Student Evaluation
1. Project planning Latex Document and TRELLO BOARD [20%] : DUE: Day 2 Monday April 3
2. Milestone 1 - [20%]: DUE Day 5 Thursday April 6
3. Milestone 2 - [20%]: DUE Day 5 Thursday April 13
4. Final Capstone presentation and demonstration [40%]
During April 17, 18, 19: Students will be called individually to present their project work.
The team will not share the project mark: Project Grades will be based on the work done AND the student’s ability to present what they did.
Note that there are no tests, quizzes, or Final Exam in this course.

Day 2 Lesson Plan for Day 2 of MAD5274 Mobile Application Development Capstone Project

DONE: Class Planning Document has now been submitted
Update the Attendance Dashboard → The Bad List

Title: MAD-5274 Mobile Development and Design Capstone Project (ii) - Day 2
Key concepts for today’s Class:
Start making your Video with Camtasia

TOPICS Related to MS 1 Marketing Plan DUE THURSDAY APRIL 6

Cohort Analysis and How to Prevent Churned Users
Use Cases and User Stories
Listing Functional and Non-Functional Requirements
Wire Framing and UI Prototyping: depending on your VISION of your Ideal User: you will design the screens
Learn out to use Camtasia: Start planning your end of Course Presentation Video.

Lesson Outline:
I. Introduction (15 minutes)
A. Review of Day 1 objectives and outcomes
B. Overview of Day 2 objectives and outcomes
II. Identifying Functional and Non-Functional Requirements
Students will begin working on their proposed mobile app project by focusing on identifying functional and non-functional requirements, as well as defining the use cases: Group brainstorming and recording results in TRELLO
Students will analyze and design their mobile application based on the identified use cases and requirements. : Group brainstorming and recording results in TRELLO
Develop the Competitive Analysis
Develop the Pricing Strategy
Develop the Monetization Plan

A. Lecture: What are functional and non-functional requirements? (15 minutes)

B. Activity: Identifying functional requirements (30 minutes)

1. Students work in groups to list and discuss the functional requirements of their proposed mobile application : Use your TRELLO Board to capture your ideas.

C. Activity: Identifying non-functional requirements

1. Students work in groups to list and discuss the non-functional requirements of their proposed mobile application: Use your TRELLO Board to develop your Ideas.
IV. Describing Use Cases: Use your TRELLO Board to develop your Ideas.
A. Lecture: What are use cases? (15 minutes)

B. Activity: Creating use case diagrams and narratives (45 minutes)

1. Students work in groups to develop use case diagrams and narratives for their proposed mobile application
2. Students develop their use case diagrams and narratives with their TRELLO Board.
VI. Analyzing Use Cases and Requirements.
A. Lecture: Analyzing use cases and requirements.

B. Activity: Analyzing components and flow of data (45 minutes)

1. Students work in groups to analyze their use cases and identify the required components and flow of data

VIII. Designing the Mobile Application (60 minutes)

A. Lecture: Designing components with UML and UI Prototyping

B. Activity: Designing components.

1. Students work in groups to design the necessary components of their proposed mobile application
2. Students share their component designs with the class
C. Activity: Creating wireframes with UI Prototyping
1. Students work in groups to create wireframes outlining the basic structure of their proposed mobile application

IX. Conclusion

A. Recap of Day 2 activities and objectives
B. Overview of Day 3 objectives and expectations
C. Preparation work for next class:
Update your Latex Document with the work completed so far, including functional and non-functional requirements, use cases, component designs, and wireframes
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