
The Start of my UP Implementation for my choosen Problem Domain

Grading Rubric for Learning Activity 1


This grading rubric provides a clear framework for assessing your work for the Learning Activity. Ensure you understand each criterion and aim to meet the expectations outlined below.

1. Problem Domain & Business Plan (15%)

Table 1
Excellent (5%)
Good (4%)
Satisfactory (3%)
Needs Improvement (0-2%)
Clear, concise, and well-defined problem domain.
Mostly clear with minor ambiguities.
Generalized problem domain.
Vague or misunderstood problem domain.
Highly relevant to current IT and business trends.
Relevant with some dated aspects.
Marginally relevant; lacks contemporary touchpoints.
Not relevant or outdated.
There are no rows in this table

2. User Stories (25%)

Table 2
Excellent (8%)
Good (7%)
Satisfactory (5%)
Needs Improvement (0-4%)
Detail & Completeness
Comprehensive user stories capturing all stakeholder needs.
Most user needs addressed; minor omissions.
Basic user stories, missing key details.
Lacks depth or understanding of user needs.
Relevance to Problem Domain
Directly tied to the problem domain and its specifics.
Mostly relevant with minor deviations.
Broad and not directly tied to domain.
Irrelevant or generic stories.
There are no rows in this table

3. UML Diagrams & Java Skeleton (30%)

Table 3
Excellent (10%)
Good (8%)
Satisfactory (6%)
Needs Improvement (0-5%)
Accuracy & Relevance
Accurately represents the system, following SOLID principles.
Minor deviations but mostly accurate.
Basic representation, missing key components.
Incorrect, irrelevant, or lack of understanding.
Detail & Completeness
Comprehensive and detailed, capturing all aspects.
Detailed with minor omissions.
Covers the basics, missing depth.
Lacks depth or fundamental components.
There are no rows in this table

4. Traceability Matrix (10%)

Table 4
Excellent (5%)
Good (3%)
Satisfactory (2%)
Needs Improvement (0-1%)
Detail & Completeness
Clearly links every requirement with its respective implementation.
Most requirements linked, minor omissions.
Basic links established, lacks detail.
Poorly constructed or missing key links.
There are no rows in this table

5. GitBook Documentation (10%)

Table 5
Excellent (5%)
Good (3%)
Satisfactory (2%)
Needs Improvement (0-1%)
Clarity & Organization
Clear, well-structured, and easy to follow.
Organized with minor clarity issues.
Lacks structure, but the content is mostly clear.
Disorganized, lacks clarity.
There are no rows in this table

6. Submission & Adherence to Instructions (10%)

Table 6
Excellent (5%)
Good (3%)
Satisfactory (2%)
Needs Improvement (0-1%)
Submitted on time.
Submitted slightly late but within a grace period.
Submitted late.
Not submitted.
Format & Instructions
Followed all instructions to the letter.
Minor deviations from instructions.
Followed most but missed key instructions.
Did not adhere to given instructions.
There are no rows in this table
Your final grade for this activity will be computed based on the sum of the scores from the categories above. The maximum score is 100%. Ensure you review this rubric thoroughly before submission and aim to meet the "Excellent" criteria in each category. Best of luck!

Step 1: Brainstorm a business domain to apply UP to.

With that Problem Domain, apply UP following this example flow:

In terms of implementing my UP Methodology to deliver the Enterprise Application,
I have Step 1: Which is a Problem to solve:

Now I need: User Stories

Example Workflow to demonstrate how I might solve this requirement:

Business Domain Specification: Advanced Seat Reservation System (ASRS) for Canadian Airlines


Air travel in Canada, with its vast geographical landscapes and multiple metropolitan areas, necessitates a robust airline industry that prioritizes customer experience and satisfaction. One major factor that significantly impacts customer satisfaction is the seat reservation process. With rising demand for customizability and personal preferences in travel, there's an evident need to revamp the seat reservation process to allow passengers to book, modify, and view their seating preferences more seamlessly and intuitively.

Requirement: Advanced Seat Reservation System (ASRS)


An Advanced Seat Reservation System (ASRS) will provide passengers with the flexibility and control they seek while ensuring airlines can efficiently manage seat inventories and increase the potential for upselling premium seats or other travel experiences.

Core Features:

Dynamic Seat Visualization:
Display a real-time, interactive seating map of the aircraft.
Visual differentiation between different seat categories (e.g., business, premium economy, economy) and special features (e.g., extra legroom, near-exit).
Seat Preference Profile:
Allow passengers to set default seating preferences (e.g., window seat, front of the plane).
Integrate machine learning to suggest seats based on past bookings and preferences.
Real-time Seat Availability:
Display available and occupied seats in real-time.
Offer alerts for passengers waiting for specific seats (e.g., if someone cancels a previously booked window seat).
Upselling Opportunities:
Offer passengers the opportunity to upgrade their seats during online check-in or through the mobile app.
Promotions or discounts for premium seats or bundles (e.g., seat + meal combo).
Integration with Loyalty Programs:
Offer seat preference priority to frequent flyers or premium loyalty program members.
Allow the use of loyalty points to book premium seats.
Accessibility Needs:
Offer specific seats suitable for passengers with special needs.
Visual indications for wheelchair-accessible spots or seats near lavatories.
Feedback and Review System:
Allow passengers to rate and review specific seats (e.g., "this seat is particularly cold" or "great view from this window seat").


Passengers: Primary users looking to book or modify their seating preferences.
Flight Crew: Need to be aware of any special seating arrangements or passenger needs.
Airline Management: Interested in monitoring seat inventory, upselling statistics, and feedback to improve service.
Technical Team: Responsible for the integration, maintenance, and updating of ASRS.

User Stories:

Story 1: As a passenger, I want to view all available seats for my flight, so I can choose one that meets my preference.
Story 2: As a frequent flyer, I want the system to remember my past seat choices, so I can be offered similar seats in future bookings.
Story 3: As a passenger with special needs, I want to see seats that cater to my requirements, so I can travel comfortably.
Story 4: As an airline manager, I want to view upselling statistics, so I can measure the success rate of premium seat promotions.

Tracing Requirements to Implementation:

Once you have the user stories, you can begin to implement them in Java. Your traceability matrix will link specific components of your code to each user story to ensure all requirements are met during the development process.


The Advanced Seat Reservation System (ASRS) aims to redefine the passenger experience in the Canadian airline industry, making seat bookings more intuitive, customizable, and aligned with modern-day expectations.
Remember to consider safety regulations, airline policies, and the diverse fleet of aircraft each airline might have when implementing this system. The described features are based on common industry practices and demands as of 2021. Always consult with actual airline stakeholders for a more updated and precise requirement set.

User Stories from Stakeholders for Advanced Seat Reservation System (ASRS) for Canadian Airlines

1. Passenger


Passengers prioritize their comfort, personal space, preferences, and safety. They are also keen on intuitive experiences and expect systems to remember their past choices for future convenience.

User Stories:

As a passenger, I want the system to have a user-friendly interface, so I can easily navigate and book my preferred seat.
As a frequent traveler, I want the system to remember my seating preferences, so I don't have to select them every time.
As a traveler with special needs, I want the ASRS to clearly indicate accessible seating options, so I can book them without confusion.

2. Flight Crew


The flight crew is focused on operational efficiency and passenger safety. They need to be aware of special seat bookings and any particular requirements of the passengers occupying them.

User Stories:

As a cabin crew member, I want to have access to a list of passengers with specific needs, so I can assist them during the flight.
As a flight attendant, I want to be alerted if there are any last-minute changes in seat reservations, so I can make necessary preparations.

3. Airline Management


Airline management is concerned with profitability, brand reputation, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiencies.

User Stories:

As an airline manager, I want to see a dashboard with data on how often premium seats are booked, so I can adjust pricing or marketing strategies.
As an operations manager, I want the ASRS to integrate with our existing booking system, so there's a seamless flow of information and reduced chances of errors.

4. Technical Team


This team will focus on the technical robustness, security, scalability, and maintainability of the system.

User Stories:

As a software developer, I want the ASRS to have clear API documentation, so it's easier to integrate with other systems.
As a cybersecurity specialist, I want the ASRS to adhere to the latest security protocols, ensuring user data is protected at all times.

5. Government Regulator


The primary concerns here are ensuring that airlines adhere to national and international regulations, including those relating to safety and customer rights.

User Stories:

As a government regulator, I want the ASRS to be compliant with accessibility laws, ensuring all passengers have equal access to services.
As a safety inspector, I want the ASRS to prevent overbooking, ensuring passenger safety and adherence to safety regulations.

6. Consumer Advocate


Consumer advocates look out for passengers' rights, their safety, and ensuring transparency and fairness in systems.

User Stories:

As a consumer advocate, I want the ASRS to provide clear terms and conditions, ensuring passengers understand any additional fees or charges associated with seat selections.
As a passenger rights advocate, I want the system to have a feature where passengers can provide feedback or complaints about their seating experience, ensuring continuous improvement.


Incorporating these diverse user stories into the Unified Process will provide a holistic approach to designing and implementing the Advanced Seat Reservation System (ASRS) for Canadian Airlines. It's essential to balance the needs and concerns of all stakeholders to create a successful and effective system.

What you are to do for this Activity:

Using the inputs we obtained from our discussions with our Users:
You will make Use Cases for your User Stories.
You will make UML diagrams, forward generated from your Use Cases.
In Markdown Document, create a catalog of Data Points, and Behaviors that surface from your Use Case analysis.
The knowledge principle. Be guided by the SOLID Heuristics of High Cohesion, Low Coupling. Heuristic = Thinking Rule
Write the skeletal structure of your Java Program:
Java Class Names
For each class:
Data: including Data Type
Methods: Method signatures and return type
Method Signature: float add(float inA, float inB)
Write the Traceability Matrix
Document your work in Markdown in GitBook.
I will show how to get the published URL for your GitBook which you will submit for this activity.
Hand In Format:
Make a text file: studentName_studentID.txt
Into that file: put the URL for your Published GITBOOK.

Example of travel-related business:

Business Plan: Concierge Business Travel Arrangements

Executive Summary

Objective: Generate $1 million in revenue over the next three years by offering a concierge business travel service to international business travelers.
Business Model: Full-service travel concierge catering to the specific needs of business travelers.

1. Market Analysis

Target Audience:
High net-worth individuals
Corporate executives
SME owners who travel frequently
Market Trends:
Increase in personalized services in the travel industry
Rise in remote working leading to a mix of business and leisure travel (bleisure)
The demand for safe and hassle-free travel, especially due to health and safety concerns (post-COVID).

2. Services Offered

Personalized itinerary planning.
Hotel reservations.
Flight bookings, including private jets for high-end clients.
Visa and documentation assistance.
Local transportation arrangements.
Meeting and conference venue bookings.
24/7 customer support.

3. Staffing

Key Personnel:
CEO (You) – Overall strategy and vision.
Travel Consultants (2-3 to start) – Deep knowledge of international travel trends, locations, and connections with hotel chains.
Marketing Specialist – For digital campaigns, social media, and content creation.
Customer Support Team (2 to start) – Handle bookings, inquiries, and post-trip feedback.
Business Development Manager – Establish partnerships, deals with airlines, hotels, etc.
Operations Manager – Logistics, day-to-day operations, and staff management.

4. Marketing Plan


Establishing a strong online presence.
Engage with high net-worth communities and corporate circles.
Partnering with complementary service providers (like luxury goods companies, car rentals).


Content Creation:
Blog posts on international business travel tips.
Testimonials from satisfied customers.
Informative videos on popular business destinations.
Social Media:
LinkedIn: Connect with executives, share industry news, and promote services.
Instagram: Showcase luxurious travel accommodations and destinations.
Email Marketing:
Monthly newsletters with travel tips, updates, and exclusive offers.
Attend business travel and luxury events.
Partner with corporations for exclusive travel packages.

5. Industry Connections

Airlines: Secure partnerships for discounted rates or special privileges for clients.
Hotels: Negotiate bulk-booking rates and special amenities for your clients.
Local Transport Services: Ensure seamless and luxury transport facilities in the destination country.


Attend travel and tourism fairs.
Engage with local tourism boards.
Build relationships with luxury brand managers.

6. Financial Projections

Year 1:
Revenue: $200,000
Costs: $150,000 (Marketing, Operations, Salaries)
Profit: $50,000
Year 2:
Revenue: $350,000
Costs: $240,000 (Scaling marketing, hiring more staff)
Profit: $110,000
Year 3:
Revenue: $550,000
Costs: $330,000 (Expansion into new markets)
Profit: $220,000
Total Revenue in 3 years: $1.1M

7. Key Challenges & Risks

Pandemic or Global Events: Impacts travel patterns. Ensure flexibility in offerings.
High Competition: Differentiate with unique and superior services.
Regulatory Hurdles: In different countries, visa and travel rules can pose challenges.


To succeed, focus on providing a seamless experience, building strong industry relationships, and staying updated on international business travel trends. With a dedicated team and proactive marketing efforts, achieving $1 million in revenue in three years is within reach.

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