

Android Kotlin Lab Test 2
Objective: The objective of this lab test activity is to assess students' proficiency in advanced Android app development concepts using Kotlin. The test will cover topics such as background processing, network communication, database management, and advanced UI components.
Duration: 3 hours
This lab test activity consists of four parts: Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D.
Students are required to have Android Studio installed on their machines and a solid understanding of Kotlin programming language and Android app development concepts.
Each part of the test will have a specific set of tasks to be completed. Read the instructions carefully before starting.
Use the provided emulators or physical devices to run and test your apps.
Part A: Background Processing (Duration: 40 minutes)
Task 1: Create a new Android project with a single activity. Design a UI with a Button and a TextView.
Task 2: Implement a background task that runs when the Button is clicked. The background task should simulate a time-consuming operation (e.g., a network call or file processing) using a background thread or coroutines. Display the result of the task in the TextView once it completes.
Part B: Network Communication (Duration: 60 minutes)
Task 1: Create a data class named "Movie" with the following properties:
id (Int)
title (String)
releaseYear (Int)
genre (String)
rating (Double)
Task 2: Implement a RecyclerView to display a list of movies. Fetch movie data from an API (e.g., TMDB) using Retrofit or Volley. Parse the JSON response and display the movie list in the RecyclerView.
Part C: Database Management (Duration: 60 minutes)
Task 1: Set up a Room database to store the movie data fetched from the API in Part B. Create a DAO (Data Access Object) for CRUD operations on the "Movie" entity.
Task 2: Implement a button that allows users to add a movie to the database. When clicked, prompt the user to enter movie details and add the movie to the Room database.
Task 3: Implement another button to display all the movies stored in the database in ascending order of their ratings.
Part D: Advanced UI Components (Duration: 60 minutes)
Task 1: Create a custom view or component (e.g., a custom progress bar, a complex layout) using Canvas or by extending existing UI components.
Task 2: Implement a ViewPager2 with multiple fragments displaying different types of content (e.g., images, text). Add indicators or tabs to navigate between the fragments.
Task 3: Implement a gesture-based feature in one of the fragments (e.g., swipe to delete, pinch to zoom).
Complete all the tasks in Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D within the given duration.
Zip the entire Android Studio project folder and name it "".
Upload the zip file to the designated submission portal or share it with the instructor.
Part A: 30 points
Task 1 (10 points)
Task 2 (20 points)
Part B: 40 points
Task 1 (10 points)
Task 2 (30 points)
Part C: 40 points
Task 1 (10 points)
Task 2 (15 points)
Task 3 (15 points)
Part D: 30 points
Task 1 (10 points)
Task 2 (10 points)
Task 3 (10 points)

How to Submit:

Create your Project in your Android IDE;
Export the project directories to a Zip File.
Name the file as Student Name_StudentID_Labtest_2

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