Upload your Text file to this URL : https://www.dropbox.com/request/znqF5FKSiD4Xj6MLniHd
Details of how to deliver this project:
Deliverable: You will make your own toy MVP version of Google Search Engine.
High level overview of the Project Architecture:
Using the functions of the Java BeautifulSoup Library: You will point your Program at a URL.
Your knowbot (knowledge robot) will walk over every URL LINK in the target HTML Page, and store it in a Data Structure.
Your project will start with this lab, to gather the contents of a Web Site, and store those contents into data structures of the kind we have practiced using:
What you are to deliver for your PROJECT:
Get it working: Hand in 3 Screen Shots of its operation:
Hand in Format:
Word Document with your Code PLUS your Screen Shots.