
Pokemon KOTLIN Game

Initial version of the program:

// Define the base class for Pokémon
open class Pokemon(val name: String, var health: Int) {
// Attack method that will be overridden by subclasses
open fun attack() {
println("$name used a basic attack!")

// Define a subclass for fire type Pokémon
class FirePokemon(name: String, health: Int) : Pokemon(name, health) {
// Override the attack method with a specific fire attack
override fun attack() {
println("$name used Flame Burst!")

// Define a subclass for water type Pokémon
class WaterPokemon(name: String, health: Int) : Pokemon(name, health) {
// Override the attack method with a specific water attack
override fun attack() {
println("$name used Water Pulse!")

fun main() {
// Create two Pokémon for the battle
val charmander = FirePokemon("Charmander", 50)
val squirtle = WaterPokemon("Squirtle", 60)

// Demonstrate polymorphism by calling the attack method on each Pokémon

// Demonstrate method overloading by creating a function to restore health
fun restoreHealth(pokemon: Pokemon, amount: Int) { += amount
println("${}'s health has been restored by $amount points.")

// Demonstrate method overriding by restoring health to a water Pokémon with a specific item
class WaterHealItem {
fun restoreHealth(squirtle: WaterPokemon, amount: Int) { += amount * 2
println("Squirtle's health has been restored by $amount x2 points with a Super Potion.")

// Restore health to the Pokémon
restoreHealth(charmander, 20)
val superPotion = WaterHealItem()
superPotion.restoreHealth(squirtle, 10)

In this example, we have created a base class Pokemon and two subclasses FirePokemon and WaterPokemon that inherit from Pokemon. We have also demonstrated polymorphism by calling the attack method on each

Now some enhancements:

import kotlin.random.Random

open class Pokemon(val name: String, val type: String, val attacks: Array<String>) {
var healthPoints = 100

// Method Overloading - multiple methods with the same name but different parameters
fun attack(pokemon: Pokemon) {
val attackIndex = Random.nextInt(attacks.size)
attack(pokemon, attackIndex)

fun attack(pokemon: Pokemon, attackIndex: Int) {
val attack = attacks[attackIndex]
val damage = (0..50).random()
pokemon.healthPoints -= damage
println("$name used $attack and dealt $damage damage to ${}")

open fun isAlive(): Boolean {
return healthPoints > 0

class Pikachu(name: String, type: String, attacks: Array<String>) : Pokemon(name, type, attacks) {
override fun isAlive(): Boolean {
return healthPoints > 20 // Pikachu is stronger than other Pokemon

class Game {
val types = arrayOf("Fire", "Water", "Grass", "Electric")
val attacks = arrayOf("Tackle", "Thunder Shock", "Water Gun", "Vine Whip", "Ember", "Bubble")

fun generatePokemon(): Pokemon {
val name = "Pokemon${(1..100).random()}"
val type = types.random()
val pokemonAttacks = arrayOf(attacks.random(), attacks.random())
return when (type) {
"Electric" -> Pikachu(name, type, pokemonAttacks)
else -> Pokemon(name, type, pokemonAttacks)

fun play() {
for (i in 1..10) {
val pokemon1 = generatePokemon()
val pokemon2 = generatePokemon()

println("${} (${pokemon1.type}) vs ${} (${pokemon2.type})")

while (pokemon1.isAlive() && pokemon2.isAlive()) {
if (pokemon2.isAlive()) {

if (pokemon1.isAlive()) {
println("${} wins!")
} else {
println("${} wins!")


fun main() {
val game = Game()

In this example, we have created an array attacks of 10 different attacks. We then created a trainer array of Pokémon and an opponent array of Pokémon, each with a random attack from the attacks array. The random selection was achieved by using the nextInt() method from the Random class. Finally, we demonstrated that each Pokémon has a random attack from the array by printing their names and attacks.

The attack method in the Pokemon class is overloaded with a second version that takes an attackIndex parameter. This allows the player to specify which attack to use.
The isAlive method in the Pokemon class is marked as open. This allows the method to be overridden by subclasses.
The Pikachu class is a subclass of Pokemon that overrides the isAlive method. Pikachu is stronger than other Pokemon, so it can survive with fewer health points.
The generatePokemon method in the Game class now returns a Pokemon or a Pikachu, depending on the type of Pokemon generated.
The play method in the Game class now uses the attack method without an attackIndex parameter, which will use a random attack.
The main function is unchanged.

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