
Mongo DB Lesson 1

Using Shell:

PowerPoint: MONGODB and JSON:

Installing the Software:
Data Persistence
Intro to NoSQL databases
Documentsandcollections Installing a MongoDB
Assignment 2 is scheduled for next Thursday (your day).
The assignment asks learner to build a server side app that interacts with Mongo
Given your teaching days between now and next WEDNESDAY, can you get learners to a point where they can:
Create user interface with HANDLEBARS
Create a mongo database in the CLOUD
Use MONGOOSE NPM Library to
Query a collection
Insert records into the collection
Update a specific document in the collection
MongoDB Basics Learning Plan:
Introduction to MongoDB:
Overview of MongoDB
Benefits of using MongoDB
Comparison with other databases
MongoDB architecture and data model
Installing MongoDB:
Requirements for installation
Downloading MongoDB Community Server
Installing MongoDB on Windows, macOS, and Linux
Verifying the installation and starting the MongoDB server

How to install mongo db


MongoDB can be installed from the official MongoDB website (). Here are the steps to install MongoDB:

Visit the MongoDB download center () and select the appropriate version for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
Download the MongoDB Community Server, which is the free and open-source version of MongoDB.
Follow the installation instructions for your operating system:
Windows: Run the MSI installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
macOS: Use Homebrew or the .tgz archive.
Linux: Use the package manager for your distribution (e.g. apt for Debian-based systems, yum for Red Hat-based systems) or the .tgz archive.
Verify the installation by running the MongoDB server. On Windows, this can be done by running the MongoDB service. On macOS and Linux, open a terminal and run the following command:

Note: Make sure to follow the recommended production practices for configuring and securing your MongoDB installation.
MongoDB CRUD Operations:
Introduction to CRUD operations in MongoDB
Creating and inserting documents
Retrieving documents
Updating documents
Deleting documents
MongoDB Aggregation:
Understanding the MongoDB Aggregation Framework
Common aggregation operations such as count, sum, average, etc.
Using the aggregate method for complex aggregation operations
MongoDB Indexing:
Understanding the importance of indexing in MongoDB
Creating indexes on collections
Types of indexes in MongoDB
MongoDB Administration:
Understanding MongoDB security and authentication
Backing up and restoring MongoDB data
Monitoring MongoDB performance and troubleshooting common issues
Summary of MongoDB basics covered in this lesson
Next steps for learning more about MongoDB
Practice exercises and hands-on activities should be included in each section to reinforce the concepts learned.

Lesson Plan: Introduction to MongoDB Compass

Objective: To provide an overview of MongoDB Compass and its features, and to demonstrate how to use the tool to perform various activities related to MongoDB databases.
Materials Needed:
MongoDB Compass installed on each student's computer
Sample MongoDB database
Duration: 1 hour
I. Introduction (5 minutes)
Briefly discuss what MongoDB is and its importance in the field of databases
Introduce MongoDB Compass as a GUI tool for MongoDB management
II. Setting up MongoDB Compass (10 minutes)
Demonstrate how to connect to a MongoDB database using MongoDB Compass
Explain the various parts of the MongoDB Compass UI, including the navigation panel, document view, and query bar.
III. Activity 1: Basic Queries (20 minutes)
Demonstrate how to perform basic queries in MongoDB Compass, including filtering, sorting, and limiting data
Have students practice these queries by performing a few exercises
Discuss best practices for writing queries in MongoDB
IV. Activity 2: Document Editing (20 minutes)
Demonstrate how to add, update, and delete documents using MongoDB Compass
Have students practice these actions by performing a few exercises
Discuss the impact of document editing on the overall database structure
V. Activity 3: Aggregation (15 minutes)
Demonstrate how to perform aggregations using MongoDB Compass
Have students practice performing aggregations by performing a few exercises
Discuss the use cases for aggregations in MongoDB
VI. Conclusion (5 minutes)
Summarize the key takeaways from the lesson
Encourage students to continue exploring MongoDB Compass and its features
Answer any final questions.
Note: The activities can be adjusted based on the students' background and experience.

Here's an example of how to connect to a MongoDB database using the MongoDB Node.js driver:
javascriptCopy code
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const uri = "mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>";
const client = new MongoClient(uri, { useNewUrlParser: true });
client.connect(err => {
const collection = client.db("test").collection("devices");
// perform actions on the collection object

Here's an example of how to connect to a MongoDB database using the MongoDB Python driver:
makefileCopy code
from pymongo import MongoClient

client = MongoClient("mongodb://<username>:<password>")
db = client.test
collection = db.devices
# perform actions on the collection object

Note: Replace <username> and <password> with your actual username and password.

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