
Lab: Using ANTLR to build an AI application

ANTLR, or ANother Tool for Language Recognition, is a powerful parser generator that can help you create custom programming languages for various applications, including AI.
Last edited 157 days ago by System Writer

You can use SQL to build a Database. You can use Antlr to build an AI Application.

Learning outcome: Expand on this concept

SQL is a language used to manage and manipulate relational databases. With SQL, you can create, modify, and query databases
On the other hand, ANTLR is a powerful parser generator that can be used to read, process, execute, or translate structured text or binary files

ANTLR can be used to build AI applications by parsing natural language input and generating structured data that can be used by the AI application

Using SQL, you can create a database and define its structure, including tables, columns, and relationships between tables. You can then insert, update, and delete data in the database using SQL commands. SQL can also be used to query the database and retrieve data based on specific criteria

ANTLR can be used to parse natural language input and generate structured data that can be used by an AI application. For example, ANTLR can be used to parse a sentence and extract the relevant information, such as the subject, verb, and object. This structured data can then be used by the AI application to perform a specific task, such as answering a question or performing a search

In summary, SQL can be used to build a database and manage its data, while ANTLR can be used to parse natural language input and generate structured data that can be used by an AI application. Together, these technologies can be used to build powerful AI applications that can understand and respond to natural language input.

What is a Generative AI Language Model? There are 2 parts:
Training Corpus : Many people use the Guttenburg Corpus
2. The ML model which has been trained, using Bayesian methods, to build a graph of how words connect, and which allows us to interact with that Corpus of Literature via a natural language chat interface.

ANTLR itself is primarily used to create parsers for custom languages, which can then be applied to various applications, including AI.

To demonstrate using ANTLR in an AI application, let's consider a simple example where we create a parser for a custom language designed for arithmetic expressions.

We'll then use this parser in a Python program that evaluates arithmetic expressions and calculates the result.

First, we need to define a grammar for our arithmetic expression language using ANTLR. Save the following grammar in a file named Arithmetic.g4:

grammar Arithmetic;

expr: expr op=('*'|'/') expr # MulDiv
| expr op=('+'|'-') expr # AddSub
| '(' expr ')' # Parens
| NUMBER # Number

NUMBER: [0-9]+ ('.' [0-9]+)?;
WS: [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip;

Next, generate the lexer, parser, and listener classes using the ANTLR tool:

antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 Arithmetic.g4

Now, let's create a Python program that uses the generated parser and a simple AI technique (a recursive descent algorithm) to evaluate arithmetic expressions.

from antlr4 import *
from ArithmeticLexer import ArithmeticLexer
from ArithmeticParser import ArithmeticParser
from ArithmeticListener import ArithmeticListener

class ArithmeticEvaluator(ArithmeticListener):
def __init__(self):
self.stack = []

def exitMulDiv(self, ctx):
right = self.stack.pop()
left = self.stack.pop()
if ctx.op.text == '*':
self.stack.append(left * right)
self.stack.append(left / right)

def exitAddSub(self, ctx):
right = self.stack.pop()
left = self.stack.pop()
if ctx.op.text == '+':
self.stack.append(left + right)
self.stack.append(left - right)

def exitNumber(self, ctx):

def evaluate_expression(expression):
input_stream = InputStream(expression)
lexer = ArithmeticLexer(input_stream)
token_stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer)
parser = ArithmeticParser(token_stream)
tree = parser.expr()

evaluator = ArithmeticEvaluator()
walker = ParseTreeWalker()
walker.walk(evaluator, tree)

return evaluator.stack[0]

expression = "3 + 5 * (10 - 2)"
result = evaluate_expression(expression)
print(f"Result: {result}")

In this example, we've used ANTLR to generate a parser for arithmetic expressions, and then used a simple AI technique (recursive descent) to evaluate these expressions.
This is just a basic example to demonstrate the use of ANTLR in an AI application.
In real-world AI applications, you could create custom languages to represent complex AI models, configurations, or data manipulation tasks, and use ANTLR to parse and process them accordingly.

ANTLR and AI Applications: A Complete Student Lab Learning Notebook

This lab notebook will guide you through the process of using ANTLR to build a basic AI application step-by-step. No previous experience with ANTLR is required. By the end of this notebook, you will have a solid understanding of how ANTLR can be used in AI applications.

Table of Contents

Introduction to ANTLR
Setting Up the Environment
Creating a Grammar
Generating Parser and Lexer
Building a Basic AI Application

1. Introduction to ANTLR

ANTLR, or ANother Tool for Language Recognition, is a powerful parser generator that can help you create custom programming languages for various applications, including AI. It allows you to define the structure and syntax of a language, and then generates the required parser and lexer, which are useful for processing text according to the given language rules.

In AI applications, ANTLR can be used to create custom languages for tasks like machine learning, natural language processing, and data analysis. By creating tailor-made languages and tools, you can build more efficient and user-friendly AI systems.

2. Setting Up the Environment

To get started, you'll need to have Python and ANTLR installed on your system.

2.1 Installing Python

If you don't have Python installed already, download and install it from the official website:

2.2 Installing ANTLR

Download the ANTLR JAR file from the official website:
Save the JAR file to a convenient location, and set an environment variable ANTLR_JAR pointing to it.
Add the ANTLR JAR file to your system's CLASSPATH environment variable.

2.3 Installing ANTLR Python Runtime

Run the following command to install the ANTLR Python runtime:
pip install antlr4-python3-runtime

3. Creating a Grammar

For this tutorial, we'll create a simple arithmetic language that can process expressions like "3 + 5 * (10 - 2)". First, create a file called Arithmetic.g4 and write the following grammar rules:
grammar Arithmetic;

: expr op=('*'|'/') expr # MulDiv
| expr op=('+'|'-') expr # AddSub
| '(' expr ')' # Parens
| NUMBER # Number

NUMBER: [0-9]+ ('.' [0-9]+)?;

WS: [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip;

This grammar defines the structure of arithmetic expressions and the allowed operators.

4. Generating Parser and Lexer

Now, run the following command to generate the parser and lexer using the grammar file:
antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 -o generated Arithmetic.g4

This command will create a generated folder containing the parser (, lexer (, and other required files.

5. Building a Basic AI Application

With the parser and lexer generated, we can now create a basic AI application to evaluate arithmetic expressions. Create a new Python file and add the following code:

from antlr4 import InputStream, CommonTokenStream, ParseTreeWalker
from generated.ArithmeticLexer import ArithmeticLexer
from generated.ArithmeticParser import ArithmeticParser
from generated.ArithmeticListener import ArithmeticListener

class ArithmeticEvaluator(ArithmeticListener):
def __init__(self):
self.stack = []

def exitMulDiv(self, ctx):
right = self.stack.pop()
left = self.stack.pop()
if ctx.op.text == '*':
self.stack.append(left * right)
self.stack.append(left / right)

def exitAddSub(self, ctx):
right = self.stack.pop()
left = self.stack.pop()
if ctx.op.text == '+':
self.stack.append(left + right)
self.stack.append(left - right)

def exitNumber(self, ctx):

def evaluate_expression(expression):
input_stream = InputStream(expression)
lexer = ArithmeticLexer(input_stream)
token_stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer)
parser = ArithmeticParser(token_stream)
tree = parser.expr()

evaluator = ArithmeticEvaluator()
walker = ParseTreeWalker()
walker.walk(evaluator, tree)

return evaluator.stack[0]

expression = "3 + 5 * (10 - 2)"
result = evaluate_expression(expression)
print(f"Result: {result}")

This code defines an ArithmeticEvaluator class that implements an arithmetic expression evaluator using a simple AI technique called recursive descent. The evaluate_expression function takes an input string, processes it using the parser and lexer, and evaluates the result.

6. Conclusion

Congratulations! You've successfully used ANTLR to create a custom language and built a basic AI application to evaluate arithmetic expressions. This example demonstrates the potential of ANTLR in AI applications. In real-world scenarios, you can create custom languages for complex AI models, configurations, or data manipulation tasks, and use ANTLR to parse and process them accordingly.

Keep exploring ANTLR and its applications in AI to unlock new possibilities and create more advanced AI systems!
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