
JavaScript Lab: Playing DABO

A video introduction to this JavaScript Activity: Quark’s Bar:

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The Ferengi and their game of DABOO


Welcome, everyone, to today's lecture on the Ferengi and their game of DABOO.
The Ferengi, known for their love of profit and commerce, have a unique culture and set of customs that revolve around their pursuit of financial gain.
One of the most popular pastimes among the Ferengi is the game of DABOO, which we will explore in detail today.

The Ferengi Culture

The Ferengi are a fictional extraterrestrial species from the Star Trek universe. They are known for their capitalist society, where profit and acquisition are highly valued. The Ferengi have a set of rules and guidelines known as the "Rules of Acquisition" that govern their behavior and business practices.

DABOO: The Game of Chance

DABOO is a popular game among the Ferengi, often played in their establishments such as Quark's Bar on Deep Space Nine. It is a game of chance that involves a spinning wheel with various symbols and numbers. Players place bets on different outcomes and hope for favorable results.

Rules and Gameplay

While the exact rules of DABOO may vary, the general gameplay involves spinning the wheel and waiting for it to come to a stop. The outcome determines the winners and losers of each round. Players can place bets on specific symbols, numbers, or combinations, with different odds and payouts associated with each bet.

Significance in Ferengi Culture

DABOO holds great significance in Ferengi culture. It is not only a form of entertainment but also a way for Ferengi to showcase their financial prowess and luck. Winning at DABOO is seen as a mark of success and skill, while losing can be a source of shame and embarrassment.

Criticisms and Controversies

It is worth noting that the portrayal of the Ferengi and their obsession with profit has been a subject of criticism. Some argue that it perpetuates negative stereotypes and promotes greed. However, others appreciate the Ferengi as a satirical commentary on capitalist societies.


In conclusion, the Ferengi and their game of DABOO provide us with a fascinating glimpse into a fictional culture driven by profit and commerce. DABOO serves as a symbol of their pursuit of financial success and is an integral part of Ferengi society. Whether you view it as a critique or a source of entertainment, the Ferengi and their game of DABOO continue to captivate audiences in the Star Trek universe.

DABOO is a game of chance developed by the Ferengi.
It involves a spinning wheel similar to a roulette wheel.
The wheel is spun to determine the outcome of each round.
The outcome determines the winners and losers of each round.
Players place bets on different outcomes or combinations before the wheel is spun.
DABOO girls, who are attractive women of various species, run the games in Ferengi establishments. They not only have to look appealing but also calculate odds and ensure a house victory in the long run.
Please note that the search results did not provide detailed information on how the DABOO wheel is spun in the game. The information provided here is a general overview based on the available information.

The rules of the DABOO game are not extensively described in the search results. However, based on the information available, here is a general understanding of the game:
DABOO is a game of chance developed by the Ferengi.
It involves a spinning wheel similar to a roulette wheel.
Players participate in betting hands, similar to poker, where they buy, sell, or convert their gold-pressed latinum (currency).
About ten players can sit around the DABOO wheel.
Each player places bets on different outcomes or combinations.
The wheel is spun, and the outcome determines the winners and losers of each round.
When something favorable happens, it is customary for everyone around the table to shout "Dabo!"
DABO girls, who are attractive women of various species, run the games in Ferengi establishments. They not only have to look appealing but also calculate odds and ensure a house victory in the long run.
Please note that the search results did not provide detailed information on the specific rules and gameplay of DABOO. The information provided here is a general overview based on the available information.

Steps for this In Class Hand In Activity:

Make a directory.
Create HTML page.

JavaScript Lab Workbook: Ferengi Game of Daboo

Welcome to the JavaScript Lab Workbook for the Ferengi Game of Daboo! In this lab, you will learn how to create a web application that allows players to play the popular Ferengi game called Daboo. Daboo is a game of chance where players attempt to score as many points as possible by rolling a set of dice.

Table of Contents

Setup and HTML Structure
Styling the Game Interface
Generating Random Dice Rolls
Calculating the Score
Game Logic and Event Handling
Adding Interactivity
Additional Features and Improvements

1. Setup and HTML Structure

In this section, you will set up the basic HTML structure of the game interface.
1.1 HTML Structure
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Ferengi Game of Daboo</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
<h1>Ferengi Game of Daboo</h1>

<div id="game-interface">
<div id="scoreboard">
<h2>Score: <span id="score">0</span></h2>
<button id="roll-button">Roll Dice</button>
<div id="dice-container">
<div class="dice"></div>
<div class="dice"></div>
<div class="dice"></div>

<script src="script.js"></script>
1.2 CSS Styling
Create a styles.css file and add the following CSS code:
body {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
text-align: center;

h1 {
color: #333;

#game-interface {
margin: 50px auto;
width: 400px;

#scoreboard {
margin-bottom: 20px;

#dice-container {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;

.dice {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: #999;
border-radius: 5px;

2. Styling the Game Interface

In this section, you will add some additional styles to enhance the visual appearance of the game interface.
2.1 Adding Styles
Update the styles.css file with the following additional styles:

#roll-button {
padding: 10px 20px;
font-size: 18px;
background-color: #4CAF50;
color: white;
border: none;
border-radius: 5px;
cursor: pointer;

#roll-button:hover {
background-color: #45a049;

.dice {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
font-size: 36px;
color: white;

.dice:nth-child(1) {
background-color: #009688;

.dice:nth-child(2) {
background-color: #f44336;

.dice:nth-child(3) {
background-color: #3f51b5;

3. Generating Random Dice Rolls

In this section, you will implement a function to generate random dice rolls whenever the player clicks the "Roll Dice" button.
3.1 JavaScript Code
Create a script.js file and add the following JavaScript code:
// Global variables
const diceElements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.dice'));
const scoreElement = document.getElementById('score');

// Function to generate random dice rolls
function rollDice() {
const rolls = => Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1);

// Display the rolls on the dice elements
for (let i = 0; i < diceElements.length; i++) {
diceElements[i].textContent = rolls[i];

// Calculate and update the score
const score = calculateScore(rolls);
scoreElement.textContent = score;

// Function to calculate the score
function calculateScore(rolls) {
// TODO: Implement the scoring logic
// This function should return the total score based on the dice rolls.
// Refer to the rules of the Ferengi Game of Daboo to determine the scoring logic.
// You can use conditional statements, loops, and other JavaScript features to calculate the score.
// Feel free to define additional helper functions if needed.

// Event listener for the "Roll Dice" button
const rollButton = document.getElementById('roll-button');
rollButton.addEventListener('click', rollDice);

4. Calculating the Score

In this section, you will implement the scoring logic for the Ferengi Game of Daboo.
4.1 JavaScript Code
Update the calculateScore function in the script.js file with the following code:

function calculateScore(rolls) {
let score = 0;

// Calculate the score based on the dice rolls
// You need to implement the scoring rules of the Ferengi Game of Daboo here.

// Example scoring logic (modify according to the game rules):
for (const roll of rolls) {
if (roll === 1) {
score += 10;
} else if (roll === 6) {
score += 6;
} else {
score += roll;

return score;

5. Game Logic and Event Handling

In this section, you will add game logic and event handling code to handle win/lose conditions and update the game state accordingly.
5.1 JavaScript Code
Update the rollDice function in the script.js file with the following code:

function rollDice() {
// Generate random dice rolls
const rolls = => Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1);

// Display the rolls on the dice elements
for (let i = 0; i < diceElements.length; i++) {
diceElements[i].textContent = rolls[i];

// Calculate and update the score
const score = calculateScore(rolls);
scoreElement.textContent = score;

// Check win/lose conditions
if (score >= 100) {
alert('Congratulations! You won!');
} else if (rolls.includes(1)) {
alert('Oops! You rolled a 1. Game over!');

// Function to reset the game
function resetGame() {
// Reset dice rolls
for (const diceElement of diceElements) {
diceElement.textContent = '';

// Reset the score
scoreElement.textContent = '0';

// Event listener for the "Roll Dice" button
const rollButton = document.getElementById('roll-button');
rollButton.addEventListener('click', rollDice);

6. Adding Interactivity

In this section, you will add some interactivity to the game by allowing the player to roll the dice by pressing the "Enter" key in addition to clicking the "Roll Dice" button.
6.1 JavaScript Code
Update the event listener code in the script.js file with the following code:
javascriptCopy code
// Event listener for the "Roll Dice" button
const rollButton = document.getElementById('roll-button');
rollButton.addEventListener('click', rollDice);

// Event listener for the "Enter" key
document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
if (event.key === 'Enter') {

7. Additional Features and Improvements

Congratulations! You have successfully created a web application for the Ferengi Game of Daboo. Here are some ideas for additional features and improvements you can explore:
Add animations to the dice rolling process.
Implement different scoring rules based on the Ferengi Game of Daboo rules.
Allow players to play multiple rounds and keep track of the total score.
Create a leaderboard to store and display high scores.
Add sound effects to enhance the gaming experience.
Make the game responsive and mobile-friendly.
Customize the game interface with Ferengi-themed graphics and styling.
Feel free to experiment and add your own creative touches to the game! Have fun playing and learning JavaScript!

Lab Learning Workbook: Adding Sound Effects to the DABOO Game

In this lab, you will learn how to add sound effects to the DABOO game.
Sound effects can enhance the gaming experience by providing audio feedback to the players.
We will also implement a mechanism to notify the player when they successfully achieve the DABOO.
Let's get started!
Before starting this lab, make sure you have the following:
Basic understanding of JavaScript programming.
Familiarity with HTML and CSS.
Text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) for coding.
Lab Steps:
Step 1: Set Up the Game Structure:
Before adding sound effects, let's ensure the DABOO game structure is in place. Follow these steps:
Create an HTML file named index.html.
Set up the basic structure of the HTML file, including a container for the game board and any necessary elements.
Link a CSS file to style the game elements and make them visually appealing.
Create a JavaScript file named game.js and link it to the HTML file.
Once the game structure is set up, we can proceed to the next step.
Step 2: Add Sound Effects:
To add sound effects to the game, follow these steps:
Prepare the sound files you want to use as sound effects. Ensure they are in a compatible audio format (e.g., MP3, WAV).
Create a new folder in your project directory called sounds.
Copy the sound files into the sounds folder.
In the JavaScript file (game.js), create a new function to play the sound effect. You can use the Audio object in JavaScript to play audio files.
Example code:
function playSoundEffect(soundFile) { var audio = new Audio('sounds/' + soundFile);; }
Identify the appropriate game events where you want to trigger the sound effects. For example, you may want to play a sound effect when the player achieves the DABOO.
In the appropriate game event or function, call the playSoundEffect function with the filename of the desired sound effect.
Example code:
javascriptCopy code
// Call the playSoundEffect function when the player achieves DABOO function dabooAchieved() { // Other code to handle the DABOO achievement playSoundEffect('daboo.mp3'); }
With these steps, you have successfully added sound effects to the DABOO game. The sound effect will play when the specified game event or function is triggered.
Step 3: Notify the Player about DABOO:
To notify the player when they achieve the DABOO, follow these steps:
Identify a suitable area in your HTML file where you want to display the notification. For example, you can create a <div> element with an id of "notification" inside the game container.
In the JavaScript file (game.js), create a function to update the notification message.
Example code:
javascriptCopy code
function updateNotification(message) { var notificationElement = document.getElementById('notification'); notificationElement.innerText = message; }
Within the function that handles the DABOO achievement, call the updateNotification function with the desired message.
Example code:
function dabooAchieved() { // Other code to handle the DABOO achievement updateNotification('Congratulations! You achieved DABOO!'); }
By following these steps, you have implemented a mechanism to notify the player when they successfully achieve the DABOO.
Lab Summary:
In this lab, you learned how to add sound effects to the DABOO game and implemented a notification mechanism for the DABOO achievement.
By incorporating sound effects, you can provide audio feedback to enhance the gaming experience.
Additionally, the notification feature ensures the player receives a clear message when they achieve the DABOO.
Experiment with different sound effects and notifications to further improve your game. Happy coding!
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