"Hello World" web application using ASP.NET with C# in Visual Studio Code F23/Nov 10
The following detailed lesson will guide you through creating a basic web application step by step.
Before we proceed, ensure that you have the .NET Core SDK installed on your computer, as well as Visual Studio Code with the C# extension.
To install the .NET Core SDK, you can follow these steps:
1. **Download the SDK**: Visit the official Microsoft .NET download page[1]. Here, you can find the SDK for different operating systems including Linux, macOS, and Windows. Choose the appropriate version for your system and download it.
2. **Install the SDK**: Once the SDK is downloaded, you can install it by running the installer. On Windows, this typically involves double-clicking the downloaded file and following the prompts in the installation wizard[6]. If you're using the Windows Package Manager service, you can also install .NET through the winget tool with the command `winget install Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.7` [2].
3. **Verify the Installation**: After the installation is complete, you can verify it by opening a command prompt and typing `dotnet --version`. This command should return the version of the .NET SDK that you installed[7].
Please note that if you install the .NET SDK, you don't need to install the corresponding runtimes separately as the SDK includes the runtime[3]. Also, if you're using Visual Studio, the latest version comes with the .NET SDK, so you don't need to install it separately[7].
For more detailed instructions or instructions specific to your operating system, you can refer to the official Microsoft documentation[2].
Installing the C# extension for Visual Studio Code
3. Creating a New ASP.NET Core Web Application
Using the command line to create a new project
Explanation of the project structure
4. Exploring the Default Template
Understanding the Startup.cs file
Understanding the Program.cs file
Overview of the MVC pattern
5. Creating the Hello World Page
Adding a new Controller
Adding a new View
Routing to the Hello World page
6. Running the Application
Using Visual Studio Code to run the application
Viewing the application in a web browser
7. Code Walkthrough
Detailed explanation of the code in the Controller and View
How the code generates the "Hello World" output
8. Conclusion
Summary of what we learned
Additional resources for further learning
Lesson Details
1. Introduction to ASP.NET and C#
ASP.NET: A web framework for building web apps and services with .NET and C#.
C#: A modern, object-oriented programming language designed for building a variety of applications on the .NET framework.
2. Prerequisites
Ensure the .NET Core SDK is installed by running dotnet --version in your command-line interface (CLI).
Download and install Visual Studio Code.
Within Visual Studio Code, install the C# extension by Microsoft from the Extensions marketplace.
3. Creating a New ASP.NET Core Web Application
# In your CLI, navigate to the folder where you wish to create the project and run:
dotnet new webapp -o HelloWorldApp
# This creates a new folder called HelloWorldApp with a template ASP.NET Core project.
4. Exploring the Default Template
A template is an HTML file put into our project from the .Net Library which gives us a Setup for our Website we will now go and customize.
Startup.cs: Configures services and the app's request pipeline.
Program.cs: Hosts the web application and starts the server.
5. Creating the Hello World Page
Adding a new Controller (HelloWorldController.cs)
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
public class HelloWorldController : Controller
public IActionResult Index()
return View();
Adding a new View (Index.cshtml)
Create a folder Views/HelloWorld.
Inside this folder, create a file named Index.cshtml with the following content:
Layout = null;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Hello World</title>
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
6. Running the Application
Using Visual Studio Code
Open the integrated terminal in Visual Studio Code (CTRL + `).
Run the application with dotnet run.
Click on the provided localhost link to open the web application in your browser.
7. Code Walkthrough
HelloWorldController: Handles incoming HTTP requests and responds with the declared View.
Index.cshtml: A Razor view file that contains the markup to display "Hello, World!".
8. Conclusion
You've successfully created a simple "Hello World" web application with ASP.NET Core and C# in Visual Studio Code. You should now understand the basic structure and components of an ASP.NET Core application and how to serve a simple web page.
For further learning, consider exploring topics such as:
Creating a C# web application with Visual Studio Code involves several steps, including setting up your environment, creating a new project, writing code, and debugging. Here's a detailed guide based on the search results:
Setting Up Your Environment
Before you start, ensure you have the necessary tools installed. You'll need Visual Studio Code, the C# Dev Kit extension, and the .NET SDK
To create a new project, bring up the Command Palette using ⇧⌘P (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+P) and then type ".NET". Find and select the .NET: New Project command.
After selecting the command, you'll need to choose the project template. Choose Console app
You can also create a new web app using the terminal in Visual Studio Code. Use the command dotnet new web --name MyWebApp1 to create a new web app. Then navigate to the created folder with the command cd MyWebApp1. Open the code for the new application with the command code .
Once your project is set up, you can start writing your C# code. Visual Studio Code offers an enhanced C# experience with support for .NET projects, MSBuild projects, and C# scripts (CSX)
. There are multiple ways to run and debug your C# code. You can start a debugging session from the Run and Debug view from the side bar of VS Code, or you can start debugging from the Command Palette by using the Debug: Select and Start Debugging command
The "How to create a C# Web Application in Visual Studio Code and Debug" guide provides step-by-step instructions on creating a C# web application in Visual Studio Code and debugging it
Remember, practice is key when learning a new programming language or tool. Don't hesitate to experiment with different features and functionalities of Visual Studio Code and C#.