A key word is a “search word” that you think a user will search for when they want to find your App.
How do I know what key words I should use?
From Google, we have :
Keywords Research Tool
Google Ad Words Tool
Google Trends
When we post our App in the App Store:
We must specify keywords
We should seed our Keywords in everything we write: content on website, Title, Description in App Store.
LONG TAIL Keywords and Short Keywords
Putting Google Analytics on your Google Site:
The purpose of this is to track which Referrers (Facebook Ads, links in Emails, links in Blog pages, Links in Affiliate sources) are sending traffic to your Site.
You can also meter which parts of your Site are receiving the most attention.
Use Google Trends to estimate the size of your market:
The purpose of this activity is to develop a list of keywords which you will use to advertise your product.
Keywords are the words that you think your customers will search for when you want your product to be presented to them.
In this exercise: Work with your team to add your Google Keywords to your Latex project plan document.
You can also buy AD WORDS which are keywords that you pay money for. While we will not demonstrate this in class, the concept is that you would set up an ad campaign and every time a user clicks on one of your ads, that would be a PPC Charge to you (pay per click), which would be billed for in your advertising account, according to however much you set up for your budget. Facebook ads work the same way.
Long Tail Key phrases are phrases of several words:
It is easier to find Phrases to describe your App: that is: expressions that someone who wants what we are selling will look for. Not as competitive as single Keywords.
Use these web tools to create a list of Keywords for your App Product.
You will research:
For a Topic: How much interest are people showing in that Topic?
What related concerns or interests do people show in that Topic?
Can you leverage a Social Narrative around those stories?
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