
f23 MAD-5264 Mobile Development and Design Capstone Project

Capstone Mobile App Project Description

Course: MAD-5264 Mobile Development and Design Capstone Project

Hand-in Instructions for the Capstone Mobile App Project

Using GitHub for Submission


Create a GitHub Account: If you do not already have an account on GitHub, sign up at .
Initialize a Repository:
Create a new repository for your capstone project. Name it appropriately to reflect your project.
Make sure the repository is set to Private to ensure your work is not publicly accessible.
Note: Later, once assessed, you may change the visibility if you wish to showcase your work.


Collaborate with Team Members: Invite your team members as collaborators to your repository.
Branching (Optional): Use branches to manage different features or sections of your project. For example, use a development branch for ongoing work and a master or main branch for final versions.


Regular Commits: Make regular commits to your repository with clear and concise commit messages that explain the changes made.
Include a Commit Message: For every commit, write a useful message that briefly describes the update.


Push Frequency: Push your commits often to ensure that your work is periodically backed up and visible to your teammates.
Push to Correct Branch: Push your commits to the relevant branch, if branches are being used.

Tagging Milestones:

Use Tags for Milestones: Tag commits at key milestones (e.g., completion of a major feature, completion of all work for a sprint, etc.).
Versioning: Use semantic versioning for your tags (e.g., v1.0, v1.1, etc.).

Repository Structure:

Use Directories: Organize your repository with directories to separate different aspects of your work such as documentation, source code, tests, and design files.
ReadMe File: Include a file in your repository root that describes the project, how to set it up, and how to run it.


Final Push: Ensure that all code and documentation are pushed to your repo before the submission deadline.
Create a Submission Tag: Tag your final commit that will be graded with FINAL_SUBMISSION.
Invite the Professor: Share the repository with your professor or course assistant by adding them as collaborators for grading.

Grading Rubric for the Capstone Mobile App Project

The final project will be graded based on the following rubric:

Proposal Preparation (20 Points):

Pitch Quality: Clear, concise, and engaging presentation of the app idea (5 points).
Market Research and Proposal Detail: Thorough and well-researched market analysis (5 points).
Project Planning: Detailed and realistic Agile project plan (5 points).
Monetization Strategy: Viable and innovative revenue model (5 points).

Application Design and Planning (20 Points):

UML Diagrams: Correct use and understanding of UML in planning (10 points).
UI Prototype: Attractiveness, usability, and completeness of design (10 points).

Development and Testing (20 Points):

Functionality: Completion of functional requirements (10 points).
Test Case Execution: Comprehensive test cases and quality assurance (10 points).

Marketing & Monetization Strategy (20 Points):

Marketing Plan: Creativity and feasibility of marketing strategy (10 points).
Monetization Implementation: Effective implementation of monetization strategy (10 points).

Final Presentation and Demonstration (20 Points):

Efficiency of the Presentation: Clarity and delivery of the final pitch (5 points).
App Demonstration: Functionality and user experience during live demo (5 points).
Business Plan Projection: Quality of the projected business plan and growth strategy (5 points).
Overall Project Integration: How well different project components integrate and complement each other (5 points).

Bonus Points (up to 5 Points):

Extra Effort: Demonstrated extra effort, innovation, or creativity.
Community Feedback: Positive feedback from peers or external users.
Note: Each team member's participation and contribution may be graded individually based on peer reviews and contribution logs.
Students are encouraged to review any provided examples of prior excellent projects or consult with the instructor for clarification on expectations and best practices.

Project Overview:

In this capstone project, students will apply the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the Mobile Application Design and Development program to create a comprehensive mobile app solution.
The project will involve small groups of students collaboratively working to design, implement, test, and market a mobile application.
This project must reflect a synthesis of market research, marketing plan, and business strategy that results in a unique value proposition and transforms the mobile app into a successful business venture.


To produce a fully functional mobile app that meets identified business needs and user requirements.
To design a marketing and monetization plan that ensures the app’s financial viability.
To manage the project using Agile methodologies, adapting to changing requirements and team dynamics.
To understand and apply user interface (UI) design principles and user experience (UX) to create a compelling app.

Project Phases:

Proposal Preparation:
Presentation Format: Develop a concise pitch that introduces your mobile app idea, considering scope, category of the app, monetization, project length, resources, and competitive analysis.
Market Research: Analyze the market for potential opportunities and challenges; identify target demographics and user needs.
Monetization Plan: Outline potential revenue streams for your app, including but not limited to in-app purchases, subscription models, advertising, and partnerships.
Project Management Plan: Create an Agile project plan with defined roles, sprints, tasks, milestones, and deadlines.
Requirements Gathering & Analysis:
Use Cases: Outline various scenarios in which your app will be used, considering the needs and goals of your target audience.
Functional and Non-Functional Requirements: Catalogue the app's capabilities, performance criteria, security requirements, and other technical specifications.
Application Design:
UML Planning: Use Unified Modeling Language (UML) to diagram the app’s structure, including classes, interactions, and workflows.
UI Prototyping: Design the app screens using a prototyping tool to create visual mock-ups of the user interface.
Development & Testing:
Agile Development: Implement the app using Agile development processes such as daily stand-ups, sprints, and retrospectives.
Test Case Execution: Develop and execute detailed test cases covering all functionalities to ensure the app meets the requirements.
Marketing & Monetization Strategy:
Branding and Positioning: Create a brand identity for the app and how it will be positioned in the market against competitors.
Advertising and Promotion: Plan a strategy using Google keywords, social media, influencer partnerships, and other advertising channels.
App Launch: Develop a launch plan that includes user acquisition and retention strategies.
Final Presentation and Demonstration:
Pitch Deck: Prepare a compelling presentation that highlights your app's value proposition, user interface, marketing strategy, and monetization plan.
Live Demonstration: Demonstrate the fully functional mobile app in a real-world scenario.
Business Plan: Present a comprehensive business plan that maps out the financial future and growth trajectory of the app.


Project planning presentation (20%)
Milestone 1: Initial draft proposal with UML and UI prototypes (20%)
Milestone 2: Development progress and testing results (20%)
Final Capstone presentation and demonstration (40%)

Evaluation and Assessment Criteria:

Students' performance will be assessed based on their ability to integrate and apply their learning to a real-world project. The grading scheme will consider the quality and completeness of the project deliverables, adherence to the project plan, innovation and creativity in app design and marketing, and the effectiveness of the team’s collaboration and communication.
This outline offers a comprehensive guide for students embarking on their capstone mobile app project. They are expected to integrate the theoretical and practical components of their education in a way that simulates a real-world environment, thereby preparing them for a professional career in the mobile app industry.
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