
F23 AML 3304 Class Notes

November 14:
Tutorial Labs from Huggingspaces on making embeddings

October 16 Class:
Video: unraveling gans and anns:

OCT 10 Class: (MONDAY class has not had this yet)
Build environment configurations:
Oracle Virtual Box

September 25/26 class:

Key learning topics today:

done: JSON and BIG Data and how it plays in building the AI Model
Review attendance Quiz:
Review the morning Attendance Quiz:
New Topics from course line being introduced Today:
Our Big Goal here in this Course: Build the Generative AI Language Model: Train it, Deploy it
Class Activity: Build our CHAT GPT by writing our own small Shell PYTHON program to be the UI.
Get a API from OpenAI.

Huggingface API labls

Architecture of the AI Application

September 18/19 class:

Review attendance Quiz:
Review the morning Attendance Quiz:
New Topics from course line being introduced Today:
Our Big Goal here in this Course:

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